Dutch Passion MY BEANS ARE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!AutoXtreme Grow Journal

14 days of straight water will flush them girls to perfection bro. I am so stoked for you bro. Pump the nutes to them and bam they will get HUGE in the last two weeks for sure
Yeah in those last two weeks the plant is using up all of the nutes it has left so I am giving them a lot right now. I am literally watching the hours go by and wanting to jump off a bridge(not really) because I have so much anxiety! I cant wait! I am starting to look at getting my new set up ready and I am starting to do some research on what kind of LEDs I am going to be using. I will be using my 2 1kw'ers and two LED panels as side lighting. I am probably not going to go too big with the LEDs but I think it will do wonders for my yeild in the long run. I am so stoked to do my next run of AutoUltimates it is killing me not being able to start yet. I had planned on starting my AutoUltimates about 2 weeks ago but due to low funding and lack of space have had to wait until this one is done.
4000 ppm? I've never even touched an EC meter, but that sounds insaaaaanely high. I'm pretty sure I never go over 2000 in my own projects and the plants still get slight tip burn. Just remember that more isn't always better, I see higher yields and healthier plants with lower nutrients.

[edit] I did some googling and MOST people agree that everything over 2000 is really high, at 3000ppm the solution is really acidic and at 4000ppm a plant shouldn't even be able to live.

[edit2] I'm just worried that no amount of straight water will flush the over feeding from the plants, once they burn they're burnt and flushing will only take care of the salts stuck in the root level. Those plants can't handle 4000 ppm, the leaves are crispy and burnt.
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Psyphish believe me I am right there with you, and the only thing that I can think is that my PPM meter might be off, but I don't think so. Also I believe that plants can not only handle but thrive in higher PPMs when all of the other factors are ramped up, like lumen output, temp, relative humidity, oxygenated root zone and so on. So at this point I am stopping trying to guess if it is right or wrong and just letting them grow lol and they seem to be doing amazing so I really am just going with it! These plants have had the highest PPMs I have ever seen throughout the whole grow so it really didnt surprise me when they were able to handle the 4k. These things are beasts!
What is going on Bro. I hope your plants are putting on weight and looking great
Hi everyone so sorry I haven't been able to get on here like I want my internet/computer problems have been ridiculous. Everything is going WONDERFUL, I went ahead and harvested one plant and it looks like I probably got 250 grams or more(I don't have a scale big enough to weigh it grrrrr) it had gotten kind of hot in my room so it got a little heat stress so I chopped it. I am in a super cash crunch so I went ahead and turned it into oil, I got 56 grams total of some amazing BHO so I am super stoked about that, I have new pictures and will post them tomorrow as I forgot to bring my camera with me to upload the pics. I still can't believe how big the plant that I harvested got it was HUGE! Almost 5 feet tall with LST and my two largest colas are almost 2 feet long(about and ounce or more a piece) it is just amazing. I have been contacted by a really awesome member here who wants to post my grow on their very reputable site(hint it is a sponsor of AFN) so I am honored that my humble little six plant grow has garnered this kind of acclaim, it has always been a dream of mine to make my mark in the cannabis growing industry and thanks to AFN that looks like it is coming to fruition. I will have another update tomorrow with lots of pics so stay tuned folks. Happy growing to everyone!
HARVEST PICTURE UPDATE:Here are a few pics of the harvesting that I have done over the last week or so. Trimming these beasts has been a pain in the arse but well worth it. 262.jpg263.jpg270.jpg276.jpg278.jpg279.jpg280.jpg281.jpg267.jpg As you can tell a few of the buds got light bleached and they look a little funny, the first plant weighed in at just under 200 and the 2nd is looking like it will probably be in the 150 range if I had to guess. I still have the massive monster to take down which I am guess will be in the neighborhood of 350-400 it is so big! I am having to tie the buds up as we speak they are just massive! I will get some more pics up in the next couple days, happy growing to everyone!