Grow Mediums Muddy's RDWC Extravaganza

Hello Muddy my old friend, I have missed ya. Not seen you around much. Good to see you posting pal. I hope you are in good health and growing fat girls. Heck ! I know you are !

Just stay away from my cables please, you are one jinxed blues brother..................:crying::pighug:


Good to see you as well penquin. I've been back around for 5-6 months now, but maybe 2-3 times a week. Mostly I've been staying here in hydro as that's predominantly what I grow now. But I did put an A/C unit in my grow box and am back to growing some soil less autos again.

lol, I hope I'm not jinxed. That storm we had really played hell here. I haven't even thought about tackling the 5-6 huge oaks that uprooted down in my hollow. That will probably end up being a winter project.
Sorry for no new pictures but my home network still isn't completely back up. My machine is screwed so I'm sharing a laptop with the wife. I don't have any photo editing software on this machine either and I don't upload files without trashing the meta data first.

I started the final cleanse on the Deep Cheese on Thursday. Monday I'll start harvesting. I will take some pics before I start. This is looking like my best rdwc grow so far. Big fat smelly buds loaded with trichs and resin. The trichs are a good 30% amber so it's time.
Well I finally got a machine up and running again. That surge was a killer. It got the Comcast box, my server, my computer, monitor, 2 routers, 2 cables, a ROKU box and a TV. I had to get a new motherboard for the server and was able to put the hard drive from my computer into it and salvage my critical data. Unfortunately it also got the back up drive on my server. I had to drop down to DOS to do the file transfers since the system wouldn't recognize the drive. To say it was a PITA is putting it mildly. So it ended up being a full Windows reinstall and completely rebuilding everything. Unfortunately I lost hundreds of growing related and other bookmarks. Even though my performance will suffer I'm considering running wireless from the Comcast box to my router. At least then my home network will be isolated and should another surge hit, all it will take out is the Comcast box.

Anyway, the Deep Cheese is in the can and curing for a couple weeks now. I'll never look down my nose at a free seed again. This strain is the biggest producer and probably the most potent I've grow so far. I let it go an extra 10 days or so and got about 30% amber. Looking at it under a microscope it places all I could see was the tops of the tric heads. The stems and all around them were covered with a thick coat of resin. As it's curing that great skunk/cheese smell is coming out. Some individual buds were over 20 grams. It's got a nice laid pack stone without any couch lock. The yield was 47 1/4 oz., an average of almost 6 oz. per plant. Grams per watt was .78, again the highest I've gotten so far. Still not at my goal of 1 GPW but another step closer. Now for the eye candy.


lol, I almost forgot to take more pics. Didn't remember until after the first plant was harvested.
:bighug:Hey Muddy! that's a sucky deal about the various electronics- :cuss:..did it also blow right through the surge protector(s)? I totally sympathize brudda, that must have been a hell of a surge!cripes, you'd think the power co' would have some sort of built-in buffer for this, considering the area you live in and that type of common weather! The data and reference's loss is just as bad,... :wall:-- that's like being kicked when you're already down! :rofl: ...The grow room was OK I gather? ... I think going wireless and maybe tossing in some phat booster/routers to pump signals up will be wise, and maybe nearly as fast? :goodluck: :karmacloud:

Deep Cheese!! :drool: :clapper::clapper::clapper: :woody:.... Muddy my friend, that crop look simply stellar! it's been a while since I saw such dense, fat, knobby buds,...:worship:...And what a haul! :vibe:
...they looked to have finished beautifully, fans well tapped but not fried... Green gods, they must have been eating like termites during mid-late bloom! Muddy how long (or do you) of a cleanse period do you give? I see lots of back and forth about all this, with lots of misunderstanding,... :doh:
... Get us some dry-porn pics man, don't be stingy! :hump::rofl:... ..the trich' production sounds amazing,... I know what you mean about the resin fur even on stems- :rofl:... that's a Deep Chunk trait, right? ....... :gary:Another excellent grow in the books Muddy! :wiz: :slap:
:bighug:Hey Muddy! that's a sucky deal about the various electronics- :cuss:..did it also blow right through the surge protector(s)? I totally sympathize brudda, that must have been a hell of a surge!cripes, you'd think the power co' would have some sort of built-in buffer for this, considering the area you live in and that type of common weather! The data and reference's loss is just as bad,... :wall:-- that's like being kicked when you're already down! :rofl: ...The grow room was OK I gather? ... I think going wireless and maybe tossing in some phat booster/routers to pump signals up will be wise, and maybe nearly as fast? :goodluck: :karmacloud:

Deep Cheese!! :drool: :clapper::clapper::clapper: :woody:.... Muddy my friend, that crop look simply stellar! it's been a while since I saw such dense, fat, knobby buds,...:worship:...And what a haul! :vibe:
...they looked to have finished beautifully, fans well tapped but not fried... Green gods, they must have been eating like termites during mid-late bloom! Muddy how long (or do you) of a cleanse period do you give? I see lots of back and forth about all this, with lots of misunderstanding,... :doh:
... Get us some dry-porn pics man, don't be stingy! :hump::rofl:... ..the trich' production sounds amazing,... I know what you mean about the resin fur even on stems- :rofl:... that's a Deep Chunk trait, right? ....... :gary:Another excellent grow in the books Muddy! :wiz: :slap:

Thanks Waira. It's been a source of frustration for the last month. It didn't hit the electric, it got the Comcast cable. I had them here for 4 hours one day helping me troubleshoot it. It went right through their box, fried the cables to two routers, then on from there. I haven't gotten to the bedroom where the TV and ROKU box got fried. That cable, all 50' of it, might be bad as well. I talked to them about surge protection and they said it's virtually useless. A lightning strike can produce 20,000 amps and all it takes is a few stray amps to cause this type damage. They even checked the ground and it's good. So who knows how much went to ground before it got inside the house. Now I've got to get someone in to test everything so I can make an insurance claim. I'm hoping I can at least get enough for a new PC so I don't have to run off the server like I am now.

This was my first grow in rdwc that was absolutely trouble free. No problems, no issues. This strain just grew itself. I just made sure it had enough to eat. Surprisingly, even at peak feeding it never got over 300 ppm. It hit about 290 and once it peaked, dropped back to around 240 ppm. It fox trailed at lot near the end when it went into that final growth spurt. It probably put on 20% of it's weight in the last 10 - 14 days. It was stinking so bad that I could smell it a good 30 feet away from the shed. Good thing I live where I do with no one around. I just wish I had vegged it for another week. It only stretched about 50% where I was expecting 100% or more. It would have filled out the screen a bit more and easily pushed it over 3 lbs. I'll know next time as I plan on running this strain again. It's still curing so only a couple people have tasted it so far but they all loved it.

In rdwc I only cleanse for 3-5 days, in soil less I like to go 2 weeks. My current autos are at 70 days so when they dry out I'll start cleansing them. Two weeks, 2 waterings is usually what I end up doing. With the low strength of the nutes in these rdwc systems 3-5 days is plenty.

I'll get you some dried bud shots tomorrow if I can. I'm going to lay out an indoor grow for a friend tomorrow so I may not have time.
Buds are getting close bro and looking awesome. What is your harvest goal?

As I said above, they are harvested and curing. My ultimate goal from this system is 1 gram per watt, which would be 3 3/4 lbs. This grow I got just under 3 lbs. and .78 grams per watt. Every grow gets a little better.
Hello muddy I don't know you but im starting my own first rdwc and im also using house and garden nutes. Any input is clones are just starting to root up

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Sure, I'll be glad to help if I can. Give me the details on your setup, system and room, so I know your environment. Which H&G products did you get? What's you pH and ppm and any roots in the water yet?