Grow Mediums Muddy's RDWC Extravaganza

Everything is looking way better now . new growth on the roots and they all are alive and happy.

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160 ppm on the well water is a bit high but should be okay. I wouldn't add any cal/mag unless you see a deficiency starting. There may already be enough in the water given the high ppm. By root generator do you mean Roots Excel? Also, do you have your own thread going? If not, I'd suggest you open one. This is my home thread and I don't want it to get sidetracked with things not related to my grows.
Its called regen a root. And Ty for the info. I do have my own thread I was just asking u for advice sorry if I screwed up your thread

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Is that Regen a Root an organic product? Reason I ask is that I prefer running sterile and it's what I recommend to new growers. Running organics in rdwc is a totally different animal and what I would call an advanced technique.
The organic vs. inorganic argument is way overblown. The plant doesn't care or know where that N or P or K comes from, as long as it gets it. The only real difference is organic compounds are more complex and need to be broken down before they are available to the plant. Inorganic, or chemical nutes are immediately available. In rdwc having them immediately available is preferable. If something goes south you can respond to it quicker with inorganic. As far as taste, as long as it's cleansed properly, 3-5 days in rdwc or two weeks in soil, there should be no difference in taste.
Ive always grown outside .I prefer the taste of outdoor smoke with no nutes at all. So clean and earthy.

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Its not an organic . nothing I have is. All house and garden except the root gen . I hear ya on the organic side. I will eventually read enough to try it. I love to grow so anotheradventure is always welcome

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Well I finally got a machine up and running again. That surge was a killer. It got the Comcast box, my server, my computer, monitor, 2 routers, 2 cables, a ROKU box and a TV. I had to get a new motherboard for the server and was able to put the hard drive from my computer into it and salvage my critical data. Unfortunately it also got the back up drive on my server. I had to drop down to DOS to do the file transfers since the system wouldn't recognize the drive. To say it was a PITA is putting it mildly. So it ended up being a full Windows reinstall and completely rebuilding everything. Unfortunately I lost hundreds of growing related and other bookmarks. Even though my performance will suffer I'm considering running wireless from the Comcast box to my router. At least then my home network will be isolated and should another surge hit, all it will take out is the Comcast box.

Anyway, the Deep Cheese is in the can and curing for a couple weeks now. I'll never look down my nose at a free seed again. This strain is the biggest producer and probably the most potent I've grow so far. I let it go an extra 10 days or so and got about 30% amber. Looking at it under a microscope it places all I could see was the tops of the tric heads. The stems and all around them were covered with a thick coat of resin. As it's curing that great skunk/cheese smell is coming out. Some individual buds were over 20 grams. It's got a nice laid pack stone without any couch lock. The yield was 47 1/4 oz., an average of almost 6 oz. per plant. Grams per watt was .78, again the highest I've gotten so far. Still not at my goal of 1 GPW but another step closer. Now for the eye candy.

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lol, I almost forgot to take more pics. Didn't remember until after the first plant was harvested.

Beautiful buds on your first run and may I say even better on the cheese think I read just about everything you wrote on site about coco, drip systems the works helped me so much (still manage to feck it up in my own special way:smoking:) just starting my first photo grows well just finishing up my first one now ive gotten lazy though its coco and autopots for me (don't really have the room for full on hydro loft grower uk) though I have done a few grows in bubble buckets just germed a lemon kush from female seeds cant wait to try that lemon goodness anywho subbed up for some muddy magic :pass: