Grow Mediums Muddy's RDWC Extravaganza

There is a link to my journal. Its detailed from the start of my build. I have aqua flakes A and B and bud XL. Some silica and root growth hormone for the clones in there . they at 300 ppm now and doing well. No roots taking a dip but one I pulled out the soil and threw in lol. Ph is steady 6 6.1

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There's the most i have lol

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I don't have time to go through your journal right now. For starters, you're going to need some Drip Clean and Nitrogen Boost. I also like using Multi Zen. Later on you'll need need their bud boosters, especially if you're growing autos as they always need the extra P and K in flower. Best not to use any of their organic nutes, Roots, Algen and Amino. Organics is a whole different game. Best to start with a sterile system. Easier to learn and manage. I did find silica to be beneficial with their nutes. I found it best to mix it separately and pH adjust it before putting it into solution. I would mix mine into 3 gallons of water pH it, then add it slowly. Too much silica too fast can cause other nutrients to drop out of solution and become unavailable to the plants.

What's your water source?
Im growing photos also. I clone to keep my strains alive . I grow for my fiancée mainly. The strains I found help her pain. Wish I knew their names lol

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Good to know that info . Ty . did u go by their schedual ?

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Sorry to be so long getting back to you. On the water, well should be good. Have you checked the ppm? Around here even well water isn't good to use. So much lime stone that it pushes the ppm way too high.

I started out trying to follow the H&G schedule but quickly realized it was too strong. After some trial and error, as well as some lockout, I finally ended up running at about 60% of what they recommended. Some strains were even less. rdwc is very easy on nutes.
I just did a total system clean today. Bleach and peroxide. Got some sm90 and put in and got some drip clean also. The system was dirtier than I thought. But hopefully now its gonna be ok. I used 50 percent of the nutes and added root generator in with it. Along with the drip clean.the ppm is 160 on the water i got from the spring. but the plants are doing ok. i have my ppm at 470 right now till morning and i can see how they are from the water change

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