Grow Mediums Muddy's RDWC Extravaganza

I was making this post the night before last and a storm came through. Lighting hit the cable line and shot a surge that took out my cable modem and my router. I was sitting here typing and saw a white fire ball shoot about 6" out of my router. I picked up a new router yesterday and Comcast came and replaced the cable modem today. At least I had the presence of mind to save what I had typed in MS Word before I lost it.

Okay, the Cultured Systems nutrients. These were gifted to me to test from the Undercurrent section moderator over at THC Farmer. They have a dedicated rdwc forum there and early in it's inception, had Current Culture reps active on the site. It was the best place I could find to get good information on rdwc from people who know how to run them. There is a ton of good information there including several large commercial grows done by people who really know their stuff. So that's where I went to learn and get help. I still go there and have gotten to know a few people. The forum mod offered me the full line of CS nutes, no string. I was expecting to get small sample bottles and was pleasantly shocked when I opened the box to fix quarts and gallons. These systems are very easy on nutes so I've probably got enough for 3-4 grows. Close to $300 worth of nutes. This run of Blue Dream was the first using them so I do need to get back over to THCF and give them some feedback on them. It's the least I can do to replay them for their generosity.

I've only done the one run so far with them but already I can see an improvement over the H&G. The only issue I ran into was around week 5 of flowering. I had already seen the on my first system fill that the published feed schedule was too strong. I was fighting the pH going down while the ppm were rising, they were overfed. I drained some solution and replaced it with RO and while not ideal, that way okay. First time with new nutes. So I change the system, use less nutes and it's going good for 10 days or so, then same thing. So again, draining solution and adding RO. While all this is going on, the plants are at what should be their peak feeding time. I started seeing signs of what I thought was a P deficiency. As I'm trying to get the system balanced back out, they are getting worse. So I called Cultured Systems to get their ideas on what was going on. They verified that I had nutrient lockout and suggested what I had already done, removing solution and replacing with RO. While tossing a few other ideas around I mentioned the silica. The guy wasn't sure so put me on hold to check. He came back and said I shouldn't be running silica with their products and that was likely the cause of my issues. Silica is critical to sell growth and strength, so I was skeptical. I asked if their products supplied the necessary silica and he said no, they don't use silica. When I asked where the plant was going to get it's silica, he couldn't answer me. But I did what he suggested, dumped the whole system, and refilled without silica. I also went with a nute dose well below their feeding chart. The plants finished out pretty well and the pH was more stable, but I can't say if it was the lower dose or not adding silica. Next run I'll start without silica and see how the plants, and the pH/ppm do. If not for the lockout, especially at peak growth, I suspect I would have easily gotten 3 lbs. from this grow.
Next up is some Dinafem Deep Cheese. These are clones I took from a freebie seed mother. I've never grown a cheese strain before or a skunk strain, which is what cheese is. I'm looking forward to the aroma I expect I'll get from it. It's still taking me longer than I would like to get my clones rooted and vegged. It's throwing my timing off and I'm behind getting these into bloom. As of today they are 16" and I'm planning on starting bloom at 20". So a few more days and they should be ready. These are my 3rd grow in this veg system and I'm still getting it dialed in. This batch was much better and I've got my nutes closer to where they need to be. I'm using Dyna Bloom in my clone machine and next round I'm also going to use it in my veg system for the first week or so. It's good at promoting root growth and might help get my roots into solution faster. Next round I'm also going to try one pot with 1/4" rockwool cubes instead of hydrocorn. If I like it I'll use it instead and save having to clean and sterilize the clay. Plus no clay dust in the system.

Here's some pics of the DC. It's a bit odd in that up until a couple days ago it only had 3 fingered leaves. Now it's getting a few with 5 fingers. It's description says it has long leaves and it sure does. They started showing a bit of a cal and a heavy mag deficiency a couple days ago. I gave them a bit more cal/mag and a tablespoon of epsom salts and within a day it stopped it.

Last edited: Swiss Cheese. Wrote a review for the site. Check it out.

Swiss Cheese was a photo that became a monster in a two gallon Smart Pot. Every trick in the LST book wouldn't keep her small. Had to take her and make a makeshift grow area in the Den's closet to finish her off. Simply an easy strain to grow and mold resistant. It was a Water-Feed-Forget.

Silica is excluded from the main formulations of Cultured Solutions because of its high pH demand to remain in soluble form for plant absorption.

Silica is a beneficial plant nutrient that can have positive effects including increased weights of fruits, increased nutritional composition and – most importantly – a very important increase in the resistance to some insects as well as bacterial and fungal diseases.

There is a chance that the combustion/inhalation of plant material that has absorbed high rates of silica could cause silicosis in the lungs. There needs to be studies to determine the safe ppm range for medicinal use.

Copied from the Culture Culture website.

I didn't use silica on the Amnesia Haze Auto. I can imagine it would increase weight of fruits as much as the UC Roots and the Cyco Nutrient line has. Bacterial and fungal issues would be nonexistent with a good root system and UC Roots does the job. My Amnesia Haze Auto buds are monsters now. The chance of bud vaping of silica isn't determined. CCH2O at least makes it known of the possibility.
Last edited: Swiss Cheese. Wrote a review for the site. Check it out.

Swiss Cheese was a photo that became a monster in a two gallon Smart Pot. Every trick in the LST book wouldn't keep her small. Had to take her and make a makeshift grow area in the Den's closet to finish her off. Simply an easy strain to grow and mold resistant. It was a Water-Feed-Forget.

That Swiss Cheese is very similar to the Deep Cheese. Both are crossed with Exodus Cheese. Reading the Seedfinder review on the DC the reviewer said how much it stretched. I'm going to move them in tomorrow, a couple days earlier than I had planned, since will apparently stretch more than other strains I've grown.

Good review on the SC. Seedfinder is, and has been, my go to for strain information for years.

@Muddy, what size net pots do you use?
Is this a Current Culture set up?
Nice and clean.

That's my DIY veg system which was copied from my CC system. Those are 8" net pots. That is what the CC system uses so I can go straight from veg into bloom with no fuss. I wish the totes were a little deeper. Those are the 14 gallon Rubbermaid Brutes. Their 20 gallon were too big and I didn't trust going with anything else after all the problems I had with my first totes. Those lids are recessed an inch. I'm going to make my own lids that sit flat on top of the totes so I can pick up that extra inch. That should allow me to up the total system from 20 to 25 gallons.
Silica is excluded from the main formulations of Cultured Solutions because of its high pH demand to remain in soluble form for plant absorption.

Silica is a beneficial plant nutrient that can have positive effects including increased weights of fruits, increased nutritional composition and – most importantly – a very important increase in the resistance to some insects as well as bacterial and fungal diseases.

There is a chance that the combustion/inhalation of plant material that has absorbed high rates of silica could cause silicosis in the lungs. There needs to be studies to determine the safe ppm range for medicinal use.

Copied from the Culture Culture website.

I didn't use silica on the Amnesia Haze Auto. I can imagine it would increase weight of fruits as much as the UC Roots and the Cyco Nutrient line has. Bacterial and fungal issues would be nonexistent with a good root system and UC Roots does the job. My Amnesia Haze Auto buds are monsters now. The chance of bud vaping of silica isn't determined. CCH2O at least makes it known of the possibility.

I had read that information on their site, plus discussed it with one of their techs. I haven't added any to these veg plants and so far the stems are nice and firm. With the H&G nutes I had to use it or my stems were weak. I only added it when I changed the system, about every 3 weeks, and only at 5 ml per gallon. I premixed it in 3-4 gallons of RO and pHed before adding. Then I added it slowly, maybe half one day, half the next, taking an hour or so each day to add it. Add it concentrated or too fast and you can knock your nutes out of solution and cause a lockout. I'm going to follow their advice and not use any this grow.
That Swiss Cheese is very similar to the Deep Cheese. Both are crossed with Exodus Cheese. Reading the Seedfinder review on the DC the reviewer said how much it stretched. I'm going to move them in tomorrow, a couple days earlier than I had planned, since will apparently stretch more than other strains I've grown.

Good review on the SC. Seedfinder is, and has been, my go to for strain information for years.

That's my DIY veg system which was copied from my CC system. Those are 8" net pots. That is what the CC system uses so I can go straight from veg into bloom with no fuss. I wish the totes were a little deeper. Those are the 14 gallon Rubbermaid Brutes. Their 20 gallon were too big and I didn't trust going with anything else after all the problems I had with my first totes. Those lids are recessed an inch. I'm going to make my own lids that sit flat on top of the totes so I can pick up that extra inch. That should allow me to up the total system from 20 to 25 gallons.

After this AHA grow. I'm going to need to reinforce the Armoire to hold the weight of the 14 gallon tote. The solution is 8 gallons and that's 40 lbs of water alone. The edge of the Rugged Tote has buckled inward. The lid is not tight. Seems no issue with this Amazon of an autoflower, but I'll need to re-do the system and get it properly fitted.

Very nice set up there @Muddy
After this AHA grow. I'm going to need to reinforce the Armoire to hold the weight of the 14 gallon tote. The solution is 8 gallons and that's 40 lbs of water alone. The edge of the Rugged Tote has buckled inward. The lid is not tight. Seems no issue with this Amazon of an autoflower, but I'll need to re-do the system and get it properly fitted.

Very nice set up there @Muddy

Thanks. So far it's working out pretty good. It should be easy enough to reinforce your armoire. lol, these DIY systems always seem to evolve.

Oh and they will......3x easy.

Shoot, had I know that I would have flipped them earlier. Tomorrow for sure.