Grow Mediums Muddy's RDWC Extravaganza

lol, the codeine in the cough syrup is doing it's job, especially when coupled with some of that finger hash! It would have been a lot worse if I hadn't hit it with Zycam right from the start. That stuff doesn't work for everyone but it sure works for me.

Everything will by dry by tomorrow so I'll get some pics and the final weight. I ran into a bit of nute lockout that impacted the final weight a bit. Even still, it's looking like about 2 3/4 lb. These Cultured Solution nutes are the shit. Much better tric coverage that what I was getting with H&G.
3-4 hits and I sat down at the kitchen table and zoned out for 10 minutes.

Time to bring this grow to a close. Before I left on my recent trip I started the final cleanse on these Blue Dream. Normally I do a 3-4 day flush but by the time I got back and started harvesting it was 9 days. Blue Dream is pretty easy to manicure and with the help of a friend, we had all the plants done in 4 days, working about 4 hours a day. About all our old backs can take! After 3 days hanging in the bloom room at 55% RH, they went into the buckets a few days ago to cure.

This was my first grow using the Cultured Systems nutrients. The difference between them and the House & Garden I had been using was significant. Trich coverage is more dense and the buds are bigger. Early samples were more potent than my last run of this strain. I did run into a nute lockout situation in week 6 of flower and lost about 8-9 days of peak bud swell while I figured out and corrected the issue. Nute strength was too high, even though it was a lot less than I was using with H&G. Highest I was able to get with the CS was about 350 ppm, where with the H&G, I ran around 500. The lockout cost me some yield but even still, I got 44.5 oz., 2.8 lbs, which ties my previous best. I have no doubt that a trouble free run with CS will yield over 3 lbs.

Next up with be some Dinafem Deep Cheese. The clones when into the veg system last Saturday and should be ready to flower in about 3 weeks.

Now for the good part, the pics. The brownish leaves were from the lock out.


This was the start of the flush, 9 days before harvest.






1.5 grams of finger hash. My helper go another gram.


:drool: :clapper::clapper::clapper: :bow: Wooow, a very fine haul indeed Muddy! :d5: -- that is fantastic BD right there, and I've seen plenty out here-- that trich' coverage is stellar! Oh maaaann, I got smoke pangs now damn you!- :rofl: ..One of my favorite things about real deal BD is the room smoke aroma, that incense/cathedral/floral nuance never gets old,... :zen:... those finger balls look wicked strong and tasty-- All those fresh terp's, huh! :baked:

..aaahhh trimming... :coffee: --- I have a great recommendation for you on trimmers: Chikamasa's canna' spin-off's of bonsai nippers; very easy on the hands, amazing fluorine coating reduces resin/debris gum-up, the blades are shaped well enough to do fine work and still have great cutting power, so no switching back and forth (for me at least!) between the Fiskar's micro-tips and the curved cuticle type scissors...s1.jpg s2.jpg s3.jpg can get straight and curved blade models too! best $22 I spent in a while! your hands will thank you :biggrin:

I always welcome learning from you my friend! tell more about the lock-out/defc. issue. I find hydro can make for more atypical symptom manifestations, harder to diagnose sometimes,... You mentioned the ppm's were high for this line, did the pH drift out of range when they were? To my eye this looks (mostly) P defc., around the tops, though there's not so much necrosis, but time after time, I see this localized yellowing in other grows; it almost looks like S defc., except the lowers aren't paling out some as well,.. plus the purple petioles and reddish burnishing on leaves here and there,... mobile it may be, I think the plant is "wise" enough to draw from closer proximity fans, rather than only lowers... any translocation is an energy expenditure, right? :eyebrows:

:gary: Gary Approved grow Muddy!! :slap: :bravo:...wish I was your neighbor! :smoking:
I haven't tried those. I've been using the little Fiskars for quite awhile. I manicure in the garage where the Sirius/XM is, not in the grow room. I take a Sterlite tray and cut off enough branches that I can do before they start to wilt, maybe two hours worth. I cut those off with a pair of garden type shears. The Fiskars take care of the rest, so no switching tools once I start. That coating sounds interesting though. I usually scrap the Fiskars with a razor knife. What I get off them is the start of my ball. I'll pick up a pair with my next nute order and give them a try. Thanks.

The hardest problem I've had with rdwc has been keeping the nutrients in the proper balance. House & Garden and Cultured Systems both have nute schedules specific for rdwc. H&G was the recommend brand before Current Culture started making their own. H&G also uses an CC system to test their nutes. So I started out following their schedules. Couldn't keep the pH stable and ppms were rising. This was with a weak top off rez, which CC recommends to be the same strength as the system. ppm were climbing into the high 600s. Over the course of a couple grows I worked with the H&G techs and got things more stable. I found that in order to get to where my pH was slowly rising while my ppm was dropping, the ideal situation, I couldn't get my ppm over 400-500, depending on the strain. I was also using too much cal/mag. I'm running RO at 25 ppm and 2-3 ml per gallon is enough. I had been giving 5. I also found that adding 2 grams of baking soda per 5 gallons of solution, helped to buffer the water. My last couple grows with H&G were much better. I was able to run 3 weeks on my solution and over that time my pH started around 5.7 and rose to 6.1 while the ppm dropped 10 or 15 points a day. Anyway, when the nutes are too strong you can get into a situation where the pH is low and the ppms are too high. The solution gets so out of balance the plants are unable to uptake the nutrients. Nutrient lockout. It first displays like a P deficiency. You know you've got plenty of nutes, so why a deficiency? Didn't make sense. Then combined with too much cal/mag and it was a nightmare. I didn't lose the plants but they really suffered. After talking to H&G I ended up dumping the whole system and after doing what they recommended they did okay in the end. I was also giving too high a dose to young plants, again following their chart. Now I put my clones into veg at 200 ppm and when they go into the system to flower, start at 300 ppm and adjust from there. Three weeks stretch and I change the system and up to 400. From there I add my peak flowering supplement and taper back down from there. Another system change at around 350 and let that drop until the flush.

I switch to CS nutes this last grow. I'm out of time tonight, I'll talk about that tomorrow.