Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers


After snapping her main cola branch, and taping back together... less than 24hr later and she is still growing fairly fast despite the snap. She is usually grown upwards by now, but she is still growing and I reckon she should be pretty decent shape within a week from now. Not sure if the extra stress will play with the hormones and send them crazy for growth. It’s happened before with my runtz. I snapped her full main branch off with a lot more last time by accident, and she never stopped growing at all. I literally swear by b-52 so far. It’s my first time using it. It contains lots of b-vitamins and kelp. I read it’s great for reducing stress, fattening stalks and buds and so far it’s living up to this. I have some fat branches everywhere so far at 26 days of life. I feed her this and Sensi coco bloom before I do any sort of training and she responds within 24hr with not much stress.

Jammy dodgers is showing signs of sex. Some white hairs which sucks for sure because I’ve had hardly any growth from this girl and don’t want her flowering any less than two weeks away
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Day 27:
Going easy with the watering from now. Going to let them drink as much water as I can until they’re a bit lighter before I feed again. I feel they’ve sat in water too often. So i will start to let them go without for a little bit to make those roots search. I may pop another seed in a solo then transplant. My lil shit of a cat ate my purple nuggets girl in the solo cup. But f I pop one; it will be an additional three weeks added on. I’m three weeks behind or so.

She is still going strong after her snap. I fucked up real good with that! Should have gave her more time to recover before adjusting her cable tie again. She isn’t growing as fast as she was for obvious reasons, but still growing. I’ve set a reminder for a training notification a week from now. I may have to train before that but the plan is to give her at least a week of rest before defoliating and adjusting ties again.


Her two day progress since the snap:

I’m so tempted to defoliate a little and adjust ties because the canopy is uneven. But I’ll give her a few days. I believe she has some white pistils showing, so I’m hoping I have at least another couple weeks before she starts to preflower

Picture of the girls together:
Day 28:

Not my best grow so far lol. I’ve barely ever had any girls Go into preflower by this age.

Thinking of popping another bean but things could get pretty mental in my small space.

Girls are still smaller than my usual produce, I think it has came down to mostly genetics, over watering and medium.

My 3Wok Is in a perlite mix and shes doing the best. So I will stick with perlite mixes from now on (this was my first time trying out canna coco professional plus - not a huge fan of it.. found some strange things in the coco too).

I might pop a strawberry nuggets tonight and see what I can do with her using a solo cup then transfer to 12L or a 15L because she won’t flower until my current three girls are finished.

3Wok Is now starting to enter preflower by the looks of it. Bulking up some tiny white pistols. The other girls have shown sex too with very little growth so I am hoping they still have a couple weeks left of veg.

I gave 3Wok another quick round of defoliation because she’s in preflower now. I left the girls without a feed yesterday or so. That way they would use up more water in the medium and I can try to make them search for it. But, there is a chance I’ll feed 3Wok due to the defoliation.

I’ve decided to turn on my mars hydro ts600 right now because I know im running out of time in veg with these girls.

Here’s a pic of them together.
Out of curiosity, do you know ur ppfd?

I was playing with PPFD throughout. It has really been an experimental grow trying some things different. But I am a bit disappointed with the growth so far and so on. Im hoping they have a growth spurt and see how they go. I just added another light in today after training both jammy dodgers and purple nuggets. Those girls are just too damn compact to Be honest with ye. Real annoying to train! So they’ve taken a beaten and im hoping they recover quickly and grow better but we will see.

I’ll do a PPFD check for ya and get back to ya. I had a good recommendation beforehand from kingbrite regarding my hanging distance. But, because I lost my old phone, i no longer have access to this data. But I reckon we can push to around 800ppfd before they may need some co2

I rotate the girls so their ppfd will change each day btw

It ranges from around 500-640. No More than 700. 18/6 cycle
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Day 29:


I gave 3Wok a blast of big bud. They say to use bloom boosters like big bud around two weeks into flower. But this is my third time now giving my girls a quick dose of big bud during preflower and it seems to work really well. Gives her that high demand of P and K ASAP and usually creates stronger and denser buds.

Anyway, 3Wok wasn’t looking too happy yesterday. I decided to up her feed to a full dose for the first time and She has thrived from it for sure. She has a lot of new growth today when I woke, And looks much happier.

I will continue to train her a little in the next few days now that she seems To Be recovering real fast from her snap.

Here she is yesterday, on the left. Today on the right:


I’ll post an update in a few days for jammy dodgers and purple nuggets. They look different from before now with some training.
Day 30:

Been feeding 3Wok some stronger nutrients the past two days. She has been responding very well with More growth and some fat branches! Thank you b-52 lol. So once again im either gonna do some defoliating and adjusting ties tonight or tomorrow. Round about now is the best time in my opinion during pre-flower. Gave her a full 1ml per litre (2L to run off). So she got 2ml of AN coco bloom, and 1ml of b-52. Total of 630 ppms. I won’t be feeding high strength like this a lot, and a certain % of those ppms will run off into tray. I will prob give it a few days before updating again. Just to give everyone some peace haha.


Some fat branches for yall

Here’s a quick snap after her training today. I’ll leave her be for a few days until i feel like there’s more for me to do.


She’s not completely even as of yet. I snapped her main branch around 4 days ago. So I don’t want To bend again in case, or at least for now

Jammy dodgers and purple nuggets update will come in a few days once I finish training them. Both of them are pain in the asses. Constant leaf warping from the short spacing. I’ve been training them a little but I don’t have much to work with because thebranches Are so short. So im leaving them Be for a while.

Purple nuggets:

Jammy dodgers:

BEen tryna get the branches to grow away from them center.
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Day 33:

A lot has been going on lately, and three days has past since my last update. The girls are doing good, but I also learned that my new TDS/EC was giving me ppm measurements in “uS”. I was taking those measurements to be true, but it’s turned out that my meter has two modes. So quite frankly I have been under feeding in some cases. Crazy, but hey ho! Got another kind of coco coming in a fee days and im gonna plant another. Random coco choice is DNA MILLS ULTIMATE COCO COIR WITH CORK. Anyone tried it?


She has had quite a bit of training over the recent days. She has been a breeze and grew very wel despite my EC/ppm issue. She is in stretch, and developing some pistils to create flowers. So once I notice she stops getting taller, I’ll modify the feed again. She would be taller but I keep pulling her down.


Purple nuggets:
She has been a night mare so far. Slow grower, which probs partly because of me, but the node space on her and jammy dodgers is a real pain. She is the same age as 3Wok lol. I have been training her but patiently awaiting her nodes to become longer. I’ve seen a lot of ppl have trouble with her.. or at least this pheno.


Jammy dodgers:

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Day 33:

A lot has been going on lately, and three days has past since my last update. The girls are doing good, but I also learned that my new TDS/EC was giving me ppm measurements in “uS”. I was taking those measurements to be true, but it’s turned out that my meter has two modes. So quite frankly I have been under feeding in some cases. Crazy, but hey ho! Got another kind of coco coming in a fee days and im gonna plant another. Random coco choice is DNA MILLS ULTIMATE COCO COIR WITH CORK. Anyone tried it?


She has had quite a bit of training over the recent days. She has been a breeze and grew very wel despite my EC/ppm issue. She is in stretch, and developing some pistils to create flowers. So once I notice she stops getting taller, I’ll modify the feed again. She would be taller but I keep pulling her down.

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Purple nuggets:
She has been a night mare so far. Slow grower, which probs partly because of me, but the node space on her and jammy dodgers is a real pain. She is the same age as 3Wok lol. I have been training her but patiently awaiting her nodes to become longer. I’ve seen a lot of ppl have trouble with her.. or at least this pheno.

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Jammy dodgers:
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Looking good.

Be patient with the purple nuggets. I had the same issue and if you keep with it. It works out. I leaf tucked every day basically, and have been pulling the branches to spead her out.

Looking good.

Be patient with the purple nuggets. I had the same issue and if you keep with it. It works out. I leaf tucked every day basically, and have been pulling the branches to spead her out.

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Looking good also bro. I had two plants grow like this purple nuggets and yours before. Dense foliage. It can lead to mould and under finished buds if they’re not defoliated a lot. I prefer stretchier plants. But I feel I am mostly to blame with over watering since it was my first time usinrg plain coco. I don’t like it. I’ve learned from it, but won’t Be using any coco without good oxygen elements such as perlite. I’m popping another 3Wok perhaps, or strawberry nuggets when my SEnsizym And “DNA Mills Ultimate Coco Coir with Cork” arrives.

How old is ur gal? I was looking to see how others 3Wok, purple nuggets etc turned out and I came across your growdiary on growdiaries also