Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Looking good also bro. I had two plants grow like this purple nuggets and yours before. Dense foliage. It can lead to mould and under finished buds if they’re not defoliated a lot. I prefer stretchier plants. But I feel I am mostly to blame with over watering since it was my first time usinrg plain coco. I don’t like it. I’ve learned from it, but won’t Be using any coco without good oxygen elements such as perlite. I’m popping another 3Wok perhaps, or strawberry nuggets when my SEnsizym And “DNA Mills Ultimate Coco Coir with Cork” arrives.

How old is ur gal? I was looking to see how others 3Wok, purple nuggets etc turned out and I came across your growdiary on growdiaries also
When that photo was taken she was 40 ish days old.
My 3wok had a bad start and resulted in her flowering pretty much straight away. So I kinda gave up on her. I've kept her going while I decide what to plant next. She's not awful but the damage was done early and because I didnt care for her much she looks a state.
I finally got my delivery of cal mag and have just given her a fair bit, more of a test to see how far I can revive her now really.
Shes tiny and not gonna crop much but I'm trying to learn what I can out of her.

You can see she's a poorly girl
I'm tempted to buy some AN Revive to see if that can do much. Has anyone used that or know the limits of it.
I'm in two minds whether to just cut my losses with her and get a next one on the go, sooner rather than later.
Which has pretty much been my mindset throughout this grow of 3wok. I ruined the start
Day 36:

She is still in stretch and has made a dramatic stretch in one day. She is oddly wilting sometimes around 3-4hrs before lights out, then absolutely fine first thing when lights are on. Is she going to sleep early? Either that or she is showing signs of over watering hours and hours later. Anyway, I’m enjoying her canopy but I will be making adjustments to her later. She’s been getting 1ml per litre now of AN Sensi coco bloom. But she is getting some spotting on leaves. Never had spotting like this before, I’m guessing it’s an early over fertilisation or a potential salt build up. However, her run off Is fairly clear which tells me there isn’t much nutrients left in the coco. Either way, Sensizym arrived yesterday so I’m hoping that will take dead roots from the plant and help with Salt accumulations. Never used it before though! Anyone who has used it, please do feel free to give me your onopinon on it. I also fed her multi total a few days back until Sensizym arrived.

So here she is one day apart. Been trying to monitor her to see when she stops stretching. I keep pulling her down to be fair, so i will have to keep a good eye on her.


Size difference between the three.


Purple nuggets:

She is still growing slowly but surely, however, she is very sturdy for being such a small plant. She pulled the forks out of the coco. So she will have to get forked down again.


Jammy dodgers:
She’s still squat, but she’s coming along better than the purple nugz.


I’ve decided to pop a strawberry nuggets. She’s in a solo cup right now and I’m awaiting her popping
Day 38:
She is looking good. I have been maintaining her canopy to try and keep her as even as possible. Been pruning some smaller stuff off, some leaves, and more LST to keep her even and wide. Im considering taking off all “satellite” nodes. Unsure if I will do this yet. I never fed them yesterday, gave them some more time to dry out. But today, she seems to have gotten a lil yellow because of it. I’ve upped her feed. Noticed some slight orange hairs (where she sexes), so I’m hoping she ain’t hermie.


Jammy Dodgers:
She’s still a squat girl, but she’s coming along. Just been pulling her down from time to time to try keep the tight nodes from clumping together. Just trying to get them to grow outwards and somewhat even.


Purple nuggets:
Still squat also. Basically receiving same treatment as jammy Dodgers: similar structures. I will be lsting her again today.


Strawberry nuggets:
Still not germinated. Been two days
Day 39:
She appears to be drinking more water now that she has started flower. I done my best with her this run despite having some issues at the start with all my girls and over watering. I was use to having plants in perlite and providing more air. But my other girls were in straight coco and planted straight into 12L. Her canopy looks great in my opinion despite her size and a small pot. Looks like it’s went from 2L per day, to maybe 3L now. I had prepared a 2L feed and no run off despite waking earlier to feed her earlier before she drank it all. So I will feed her again later to get that run off I need as she’s not run off since two days ago. She is bunching up fast!

Ps; check all dem topzzz :)


Purple nuggets:
She is still squat but I think she is finally going through her stretch period lol it’s cute. My training is paying off with her though. She has a real bitch of a structure unless you train appropriately. I’d suggest never over watering her, raise her from a solo cup and train two weeks in or so. I left her until she was around three weeks and even then she was small. I am blaming myself for maybe over watering. I’m sure of it... but I’ll be able to tell when STRAWBERRY nuggets sprouts because she will Be in a solo cup.


Jammy Dodgers:

She seems to be getting further into flower and I’m not even sure she will stretch. She’s probably been through it already haha hard to tell because she’s so small. I can’t bend her main stem because she’s focusing on budding there by the looks of it with the amount of pistols. Anyway, here’s hoping I still have some veg phase left in her to get a little bigger but I doubt it.

Is she going to sleep early? Either that or she is showing signs of over watering hours and hours later.

Me again ... I'm like your stalker lol :rofl:


Nah, it happens every day, if you had a time lapse camera on 24 hours (or any light hours really) you'll notice them droop and perk up again. I'm not sure what the science is, but it's not overwatering and I don't think she's going to sleep.

I just avoid taking photos when they're like that (as it looks like they're sad!) ^_^
Me again ... I'm like your stalker lol :rofl:

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Nah, it happens every day, if you had a time lapse camera on 24 hours (or any light hours really) you'll notice them droop and perk up again. I'm not sure what the science is, but it's not overwatering and I don't think she's going to sleep.

I just avoid taking photos when they're like that (as it looks like they're sad!) ^_^

Hey bro! Thanks for still following along. I have some high hopes for strawberry nuggets and growing her differently providing she sprouts (on my third day, and don’t have a heat mat! Having to use the heat of the tent to try help keep her warm. I noticed in previous grows they’d droop like an hour before. It seems since I have stopped feeding her 6hr before lights out that she doesn’t do it. Maybe too much water and too little time to drink? Who knows bro. She’s coming along fine now and she’s been a pleasure to grow. Can’t say the same about the other two; but I’m sure despite quantity the quality should be good.
Just my luck lads. Strawberry nugget still hasn’t sprouted. Checked on her and the coco had bugs running around. Almost clear looking. I suspect it’s aphids from a contaminated bag. Not happy man, I only ordered this bag last week.

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Just my luck lads. Strawberry nugget still hasn’t sprouted. Checked on her and the coco had bugs running around. Almost clear looking. I suspect it’s aphids from a contaminated bag. Not happy man, I only ordered this bag last week.

Aphids don't get into the soil and they need a plant/leaf/stem to survive, so try taking a closer look - they might be soil mites, which don't harm the seedling but convert organic material in the grow medium, but the strange part is that coco shouldn't have any organic material that can feed insects...