Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Just my luck lads. Strawberry nugget still hasn’t sprouted. Checked on her and the coco had bugs running around. Almost clear looking. I suspect it’s aphids from a contaminated bag. Not happy man, I only ordered this bag last week.


Also sounds like springtails

Aphids don't get into the soil and they need a plant/leaf/stem to survive, so try taking a closer look - they might be soil mites, which don't harm the seedling but convert organic material in the grow medium, but the strange part is that coco shouldn't have any organic material that can feed insects...
It comes with Cork which is organic? I never noticed them when I first potted up but they are there for sure. They were running around and through my hole where I planted the seed. It was her fourth day and no sprout... mine usually sprout in three or less. She might still have sprout given time, but I don’t want her anywhere near my other plants to contaminate them so I binned it. I potted up into a solo, small amount of water and sat a DIY humidity dome on top to keep her wet. So I’m not sure if somehow the humidity inside has attracted them. Either way, I checked my three girls over many times and there was no bugs running around their coco which is a different brand. The bugs couldn’t get inside either because of the dome, so I’m certain they came directly from the coco already and worked their way up to the humidity dome.
It comes with Cork which is organic? I never noticed them when I first potted up but they are there for sure. They were running around and through my hole where I planted the seed. It was her fourth day and no sprout... mine usually sprout in three or less. She might still have sprout given time, but I don’t want her anywhere near my other plants to contaminate them so I binned it. I potted up into a solo, small amount of water and sat a DIY humidity dome on top to keep her wet. So I’m not sure if somehow the humidity inside has attracted them. Either way, I checked my three girls over many times and there was no bugs running around their coco which is a different brand. The bugs couldn’t get inside either because of the dome, so I’m certain they came directly from the coco already and worked their way up to the humidity dome.
got it - extremely unlikely that they are aphids. capture one of them or take a close up snap and see if they are actually soil mites. If they are, they are harmless and will not affect your seedling. During my earlier grow, I had soil mites all over my seedling and I was very scared that they were eating her up, but no such thing.
It comes with Cork which is organic? I never noticed them when I first potted up but they are there for sure. They were running around and through my hole where I planted the seed. It was her fourth day and no sprout... mine usually sprout in three or less. She might still have sprout given time, but I don’t want her anywhere near my other plants to contaminate them so I binned it. I potted up into a solo, small amount of water and sat a DIY humidity dome on top to keep her wet. So I’m not sure if somehow the humidity inside has attracted them. Either way, I checked my three girls over many times and there was no bugs running around their coco which is a different brand. The bugs couldn’t get inside either because of the dome, so I’m certain they came directly from the coco already and worked their way up to the humidity dome.
Hello i use liquid oxergen every feed kills bugs and puts a bit more oxgen to the roots just my two pence worth :smoking:
After some research, I have came to the conclusion that they were in fact springtails. Maybe so that they are harmless, but no one wants bugs around. I suppose I’ll try pot another seed up in the same coco but this time I’ll mix diatomaceous earth in. I never did this when I potted her into the solo. I usually always use DE. I did with my other plants. Mixed DE into the coco with mycorrhizae. I’ll pot another and mix DE in and hope for the best. I read on another forum from 2011 that they are attracted to very humid conditions... so my humidity dome probably did bring them to the surface.
After some research, I have came to the conclusion that they were in fact springtails. Maybe so that they are harmless, but no one wants bugs around. I suppose I’ll try pot another seed up in the same coco but this time I’ll mix diatomaceous earth in. I never did this when I potted her into the solo. I usually always use DE. I did with my other plants. Mixed DE into the coco with mycorrhizae. I’ll pot another and mix DE in and hope for the best. I read on another forum from 2011 that they are attracted to very humid conditions... so my humidity dome probably did bring them to the surface.

people who grow in soil love certain types of bugs in the soil - soil mites, earthworms and a few other bugs are incredibly helpful in feeding nutrients from the soil to the plant while they don't touch the plant at all, but yes, it can be freaky at first :)
people who grow in soil love certain types of bugs in the soil - soil mites, earthworms and a few other bugs are incredibly helpful in feeding nutrients from the soil to the plant while they don't touch the plant at all, but yes, it can be freaky at first :)
Haha for sure bro. On my first grow I ended up with spider mites for a certain period of time due to not washing “pre-washed” pebbles. Let’s just say I learned a lot from that haha and I did get rid of them using dr Zymes and diatomaceous earth. The hydro store were happy to send me out ECothrive coco so I’m happy with that. I’ll check if I have another strawberry nuggets and I’ll get her sprouted when I receive new coco
Day 40:
She is looking pretty damn good just now for a small plant! I am going to Be feeding twice a day now f she can take it. This will be her first time having two feeds a day. But mostly my routine consists of feeding at 2pm and lights go on at 6am. Yes that sucks, I know. I have been having sleeping issues the last few months so been unable to feed at lights on. Suppose I could change light cycle but it will probs cause stress? Anyways she’s had some more LST today and hopefully she will spring up tomorrow with more growth after her second feed. My 240w is More towards the warm spectrum so her true colour is not showing on the camera. She has a healthier color person. Once she reaches week two of flower I will be dialling back the base feed and upping big bud (P and K) to reduce nitrogen.


Purple nuggets:
She is still short but I have her under another light the past week. She is growing faster now but I’m certain she’s in stretch. It’s hard to notice via eyes because she’s short as fuck. But yeah, I’m certain she’s going through her stretch or will be soon as. She hasn’t had any training today so I will get on that later. She is going to need some opening up again. Very hard as her node length is short.

Jammy dodgers:
I think she is also tryna stretch or she has already and it’s barely been noticable. Will have to open her up a little probs also. Can’t bend her main stem as it’s too strong and will snap.