Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Day 51:
She is coming along superb! No spotting yet either so hopefully I can prevent any issues over her next few weeks of life. She is on day 15 of flower now, so I’m hoping she will be ready within six weeks of flowering. I’m certain she will if I don’t over feed and cause any issues. She will be due a trim today.

The complicated purple nuggets:
She is actually doing very well now despite her structure being complicated and a slow start. Here she is today. I will be training her again later as she has been stretching and will be flowering soon.

Jammy Dodgers:
I’m worried about this girl. Far too short and stubborn. I will have to defoliate and try pull her apart a little to prevent mould etc.

Say hello to strawberry nuggets. She popped yesterday!
Day 55
I had a feeling she was building up some salts from not watering often enough. One watering is drying up by morning now so she is 100% on two feeds a day now. I wish I could up these feeds to more, but because it’s manual labour it takes too much time and consistency is hard. Anyway, I’ve been feeding 8L a day basically. It now takes at least 4L to produce run off. Her leaves did look a bit dark and some leaves had minor spotting so I was assuming a temp lock out and causing nitrogen toxicity. Anyway, it could also relate to my humidity because my fan isn’t good enough and now I’m gonna have to order a better filter and so on (not enough suction through it). She seems all good now and I’m hoping I can prevent any further issues with her. Her buds are ok density wise, but not super dense. I’m hoping she will get harder over the next few weeks. She is only 19 days into her flower cycle. I use a shitty iPhone 6 camera so here’s hoping I can get a good camera soon.

Right now she is being fed 1ml of AN bloom A & B, 2ml Sensizym, 1ml big bud per litre. I have been trying to reduce the nitrogen (4% nitrogen from base feed) and increase the P and K using big bud. I will feed her overdrive In her last week of life (hopefully week five or six) in order to try get some more weight and density.


Purple nuggets:
She has had quite a bit of training but she just keeps bushing up. So once again I will pull her down a little down and open her up again as she has finished her “stretch”. I laugh because she barely stretched, but this was my problem as a grower using straight coco for the first time. Anyway, she looking good and is in flower now.


Jammy Dodgers:
She has been a nightmare but I have practically left her to it. Her flowers seem pretty strong already in terms of density so she should be okay providing I can open her up some more. There is tiny bud sites and leaves stuck inside due to her being so stubborn and barely allowing me to train her much. Short short branches that are very strong so LST is a problem. But I am sure I can open and clean her up a little to prevent any moulding and so on. She has been burning and I’m assuming it’s a salt build up. I have been feeding to run off and using Sensizym to try eat up the salts and keep the roots clean but it does not seem too effective. I have noticed whiter roots on 3Wok since using and less salt around my fabric pots.. her ppm run off is fairly low compared to her input ppm. So I’m assuming she is very greedy despite her size and is using the nutrients? If anyone can back this up please let me know. For example 450 ppm input, around 200 output. I know run off is unreliable in coco but it still gives you an idea of what is happening at the roots. Anyway, I will keep feeding this birch to run off and hope that she comes out of it. It’s either a salt build up or not enough potassium for her I think. I upped the base feed for her and will experiment to see how she looks over the next few days.


Strawberry Nuggets:
She is barely 6 days old and I have treated her very differently from how I treated the rest. She is doing amazing right now and only being fed around two shot glasses a day right now with PlantStart! Tomorrow I will be feeding her quarter dose of AN Grow A & B. She is in better shape than the others were at this age. I had planted those straight into 12L pots which made it easier to over water.

Day 56
Finally got myself a cheap plant tray to sit them in. This will save me from moving plants constantly to drain saucers and so on.

Not much to see in terms of yesterday’s progress haha she is 20 days in flower and is doing very well. Going to be keeping an eye on her to try my best and accurately switch from big bud to overdrive around mid week 5 or so.


Purple Nuggets:
MOre LST, defoliation and lollypopping for this beautiful girl!

Jammy dodgers:
She’s still in a state, thinking of buying florakleen for salts. I’ve been defoliating but it’s hard to notice. She’s the worst out of the girls (my fault lol)


Strawberry Nuggets:
She is coming along beautifully at 7 days of life. She will get her first base feed tomorrow


I’ve removed a light for now. Ts1000 in there @ 150w, and kingbrite 240w. Surely 390w Is enough? I’ll see how they respond over the next few days and maybe add the other light in.

Here they are with their new tray. I do wish it was a bit longer. I have a DIY water vacuum so when I feed to run off I’ll simply vac the run off real quick. Much easier than a saucers with baking trays..

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3Wok is in her fourth week of flower and I’ve lollipopped a small bud and noticed she appears to have hermied. Pollen sack with bananas. I’ve attached a picture. The flowers are still female. At least for now but am seeing some pods in smaller flowers.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I’ve had one hermie on me before and it was fastbuds stardawg.

Will she still be okay to keep going? And will she affect my other three plants? I don’t have much experience with hermies as of yet.


I’ve had a plant show ”balls” and plucked them off. wasn’t many, and I didn’t have anything in the buds. Most likely stress related. I grew her to finish without incident. i only had 2 plants in the tent and took the risk. Scary part is wondering if I got them all
I’ve had a plant show ”balls” and plucked them off. wasn’t many, and I didn’t have anything in the buds. Most likely stress related. I grew her to finish without incident. i only had 2 plants in the tent and took the risk. Scary part is wondering if I got them all

I was wondering if it was stress related but to be honest with you she’s been fine for ages. Slight leaf tip burning and never progressed. It could be that she’s getting too much light, or too much of something. I used b-52 and read that it can cause hermies... not sure if that’s true. But, I am reading quite a lot of complaints regarding Mephisto genetics producing lots of hermies. Don’t know if it’s untrue, and it’s down to the growers. Shes four weeks into flower pretty much and has a decent amount of brown hairs and I’m wondering if it’s because of pollination that they are browning early. More like oranging early. If that’s the case, I will have to try keep an eye on her properly to await her finishing as it can be deceiving. I’m just hoping she don’t turn into male flowers the longer I let her go