Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Thanks bro. The purple nuggets seems like a real pain. Defo should have went with the solo cup... well I did for another purple nuggets until the kitty cat decided he’d eat her! So easy to over water in coco in big containers especially if no perlite is used. 3Wok is in perlite and she’s flying compared to the other two girls who are just in straight coco. I’ve noticed some spotting on jammy dodgers, but will be keeping an eye on them. So hopefully I can turn them into beasts soon. But not looking so hopeful for the other two girls yet, based on their slow growth and 19 days old already. Been getting some algae on the straight coco girls which tells me I’ve been feeding too much water at once. It’s a pain to get dialed in when you start small girls in big pots with coco. I definitely won’t make that mistake again. Live and learn though bro. I’m sure they will all turn out nice. Both 19 days old. I’ve never had these kinda issues before, but I think when I presoaked the coco to begin with using plant start, my ph meter didn’t give me an accurate reading. So that couldive been the main culprit along with too much water. I think I’ll drop my nutrient strength on her from now on and see how she goes. She’s been getting 2L (1.5-2l is usually what Is required for Run off). 1ml AN bloom, and 0.5ml b-52 which is a vitamin solution and kelp. I think it still might Be a bit much for her. Around 350-380 ppms
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Can't wait to see how your 3wok turns out. I fucked mine up. Shocked it early with root rot. Managed to turn it round and sort out that issue but the damage was done. She pre flowered at day 20 ish.
I've kept her alive to see but am gonna kill her soon to cut my losses
My purple nuggets is flying though so all good
Day 20:

I’ve finally went pretty far with 3woks training. Heavily defoliated and lstd. The problem with her was her foliage. Clearly leaning towards the Indica side, because her leaves were dense and thick/wide and covering the nodes. I’m happy to know she is more Indica, because i usually smoke hybrid strains lately which lean a bit more towards Sativa. She has been showing issues in her leaves also, some light yellowing around the sides. I originally thought it was a ph issue, but it does look like a magnesium Deficency. However, I’ve read many times of people claiming that kind of Deficency does not exist. Who knows. I’ve upped her feed to full strength this one time to see how she responds, she was usually getting half strength. Her big leaves were destroying her flower sites any time I was leaf tucking so I decided to take them off, and I’m certain she will spring up real good in a few days. Been getting odd spotting on her and jammy dodgers. Does look like an issue related to calmag, but AN claims they have enough calmag intheir nutrients. Anyone any ideas for me? The white stuff is diatomaceous earth to prevent bugs. I always use this.



After her training:
She looks mauled but I know she will come around. Shes strong and my forbidden runtz had this kinda treatments most days because she never stopped growing haha she came out just fine.
Did you do a journal on the forbidden runtz? I was gifted a few of these and was curious how they grow.
Yes bro.i will have a thread somewhere and also most of my pics were inside the fastbuds grow and show. Man forbidden runtz has some crazy good genetics. I did end up with a runt pheno, but the other two grow around 4ft tall and wouldn’t stop growing. Amazing plant and nice high. She smells real good too

Here’s how 3Wok looked before I trained her yesterday. Yes she looked pretty, but she was also covering lots of bud sites.


Here she is after her training on day 20.

Day 21:

Here’s 3wok after her training from yesterday



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She still looks good bro! Nice little structure. They all grow differently from each other and carry some traits, but not one grower is the same. So no one will ever grow the same plant in the same manner. It comes down to how and when you choose to train etc too. I hate when autos flower less than 30 days into veg. I like up to 5 weeks of veg but it all depends. My girls are 21 days old right now, so I’m hoping they don’t flower any less than 35 days in but we will see.
She still looks good bro! Nice little structure. They all grow differently from each other and carry some traits, but not one grower is the same. So no one will ever grow the same plant in the same manner. It comes down to how and when you choose to train etc too. I hate when autos flower less than 30 days into veg. I like up to 5 weeks of veg but it all depends. My girls are 21 days old right now, so I’m hoping they don’t flower any less than 35 days in but we will see.
I had a Double Grape show sex at 14 days last grow, so I’m :cools: