Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Day 5:


I feel like if I had just planted the beans and watered every now and then, rather than watering the entire pot first, I’d have had more growth. I usually do it in solo cups then transplant, that way they get the right amount of water. But they still look healthy for now. I will start their base feed around day 7 or 10.. just whenever I deem them strong enough to handle it.


3Wok is growing faster than the rest still. It’s either the medium, or she is very strong. She is still quite stretchy which is kind of alarming regarding the science behind growing. Many articles and research says 200-400 PPFD is enough for seedlings. But, if that was the case, then why is she still stretching? Anyway, I’ve lowered the light a little and she is receiving roughly 500 PPFD.

Jammy dodgers:
She is coming along well too, catching up and starting to develop her second set of leaves.


Purple nuggets:
She is also coming along nicely. A little behind compared to the other two, but we will see how she compares in the future.

Little update on the 3wok did a bit of LST bending the main stem over stunts the growth by a few days almost time to top it soon

so here's a Pic of my Fast buds Zkittlez I currently got going I never tried any other way of training to be honest don't know if I'm doing it right as I'm still very new but it's been working so far as shown in this next pic it's just starting to show signs of flower

So as I said never tried any other training so I decided to do a comparison I bought some mephisto pink lives when I put the seed in water it sank straight away and always thought that means is no good so I put a second seed in just to make sure anyway myths busted sinking seeds are no diffrent so one of them I'm just going to leave no training nothing just to see how it grows naturally also will help me learn more unless you try you just never know anyway here's the picks of these two

So this is the bent one coming along nicely


And here's the Christmas tree let's see who wins

Enough of my rambling on hope you all had a great Christmas and happy new year to you all
Sorry guys, i haven’t been around much. Got covid.

Here’s a quick update from yesterday (Day 10)

So, both girls who were planted in canna professional plus coco (no perlite), seem to be growing real slow. I genuinely do believe it is the medium holding too much water. This is my first time using this medium. My 3Wok og girl who is in a super charged coco/perlite mix is flying compared to the other two.

3Wok og:

I fed her yesterday but she looks over watered maybe. Bit odd. Around 1L

Jammy dodgers:


Purple nuggets:
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Day 16:

Growth has been getting much better since realising my ph was off.

3Wok og:
She has had her first form of training today which was leaf tucking. She is exploding with growth to be honest. She is being fed AN bloom, and b-52. 1ml of each per 2L to run off. (Half dose). I know she’s yellowing, but she seems to be coming out it since the ph was fixed. Considering topping her, but usually leaf tuck and lst instead


Purple nuggets:
Still tiny, but I think she is a tiny girl in general. I germinated another in a solo cup and will see how fast she grows compared to sister. She is also being fed bloom, and b-52. Half dose base feed, quarter dose of b-52.


Jammy dodgers:
1ml base feed, 0.5ml b-52
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Good catch, damn pH. I think tou caught it early enough that it wont cause too much harm. They are looking nice though. Im using Canna for the first time too but mixed some perlite in. Good luck, ill be following along.
Good catch, damn pH. I think tou caught it early enough that it wont cause too much harm. They are looking nice though. Im using Canna for the first time too but mixed some perlite in. Good luck, ill be following along.
Yeah definitely go with the perlite. My 3Wok is in perlite and the happiest. Other girls are straight coco. I think they’re due to come out their shell real soon. I’m intwo minds about topping 3Wok. She is healthy enough and still only 16 days so right on par for a topping. But I tend to just lst
Im a topper. I like the structure with 8 colas and and even canopy. I was always worried about hieght in my tents. You have a few more days to make a decision as long they are healthy. I wouldnt do it past 20 days.
Honestly fuck cats.

I had a two day old purple nuggets in a solo cup coming along nicely. Was feeding the girls with my back turned for two minutes and my cat ate her.