Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

My jammy dodgers seems pretty small and stalky, but after having a look at some “white stuff” on the coco, I realised it’s roots. Her roots are inside and creeping out the top of the medium. Never had this happen to me soo soon. This is my first time using mycorrhizae and it seems she has built an insane root system, but not too much to show yet leaf and size wise. Will post pictures today. Thinking of adding more coco in to protect those roots. @dynomyko for the win
My jammy dodgers seems pretty small and stalky, but after having a look at some “white stuff” on the coco, I realised it’s roots. Her roots are inside and creeping out the top of the medium. Never had this happen to me soo soon. This is my first time using mycorrhizae and it seems she has built an insane root system, but not too much to show yet leaf and size wise. Will post pictures today. Thinking of adding more coco in to protect those roots. @dynomyko for the win
We are having similar experiences. 3wok explosive growth, JD staying short/stocky. I topped and they didn’t miss a beat. Pics in my journal. (Don't want to hijack ur thread). I watch your grow with great interest.
We are having similar experiences. 3wok explosive growth, JD staying short/stocky. I topped and they didn’t miss a beat. Pics in my journal. (Don't want to hijack ur thread). I watch your grow with great interest.
Post your pics here if you like bro. That’s what it’s all about man! Lemme see
Day 18 for me today

Jammy dodgers has had her first form of training. Ponytailed. I have listed a video below for you guys to see how I do it and learn for yourselves if you’ve never used or seen this technique. She is very short, so by ponytailing her for a few hours it will allow her lower branches to grow upwards a little for a more even canopy, and will help me decide how to continue to train her in the future. She will be due a feed today


she is a beast so far, very bushy also. These are the most compact/bushiest little plants I’ve ever grown yet. She is also due a feed today. I defoliated a set of her first leaves yesterday as they were laying in the coco. That’s a nono for me. I was going to top her, but I think I will just bend her over today and maybe take a couple leaves off. Her first training consisted of leaf tucking, but she is growing big leaves fast and they kinda twisted her smaller nodes. I’d like a little more to play with length wise for LST, so there is a chance I will just defoliate her today until she grows longer nodes to pull down.


Purple nuggets:
She is still crazy short, and growing tiny side branches. Very petite, never had one as small as her before. So I will decide how to train her as she gets bigger

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Bout to train 3Wok today. Going to be doing my best not to make any cuts/take off any leaves. But if needs be, then needs must. The younger girls are still going along slow, not so sure why. I let them dry out for two days a bit before feeding to run off again today. Definitely won’t be potting into final containers again, but I’m hopeful I’ll produce at least 4oz each.. but once again I usually grow in 5gal, these are three. Will post an update with the training afterwards. She’s just had a nice feed there

Bout to train 3Wok today. Going to be doing my best not to make any cuts/take off any leaves. But if needs be, then needs must. The younger girls are still going along slow, not so sure why. I let them dry out for two days a bit before feeding to run off again today. Definitely won’t be potting into final containers again, but I’m hopeful I’ll produce at least 4oz each.. but once again I usually grow in 5gal, these are three. Will post an update with the training afterwards. She’s just had a nice feed there

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Not worth posting the training so far. She is still young and has a lot of big leaves that I don’t want to snip off yet. I have done some more leaf tucking but because they’re soo big, they put a lot of pressure on the inner nodes that I am trying to grow out. So just a minor LST to try get those nodes facing outwards a little and away from the big fan leaves. I’m guessing by day 21 her other nodes will give me more to play with
youve got some superb strains on the go here bro and I will tag along :pass: :smoking:
youve got some superb strains on the go here bro and I will tag along :pass: :smoking:
Thanks bro. The purple nuggets seems like a real pain. Defo should have went with the solo cup... well I did for another purple nuggets until the kitty cat decided he’d eat her! So easy to over water in coco in big containers especially if no perlite is used. 3Wok is in perlite and she’s flying compared to the other two girls who are just in straight coco. I’ve noticed some spotting on jammy dodgers, but will be keeping an eye on them. So hopefully I can turn them into beasts soon. But not looking so hopeful for the other two girls yet, based on their slow growth and 19 days old already. Been getting some algae on the straight coco girls which tells me I’ve been feeding too much water at once. It’s a pain to get dialed in when you start small girls in big pots with coco. I definitely won’t make that mistake again. Live and learn though bro. I’m sure they will all turn out nice. Both 19 days old. I’ve never had these kinda issues before, but I think when I presoaked the coco to begin with using plant start, my ph meter didn’t give me an accurate reading. So that couldive been the main culprit along with too much water. I think I’ll drop my nutrient strength on her from now on and see how she goes. She’s been getting 2L (1.5-2l is usually what Is required for Run off). 1ml AN bloom, and 0.5ml b-52 which is a vitamin solution and kelp. I think it still might Be a bit much for her. Around 350-380 ppms
