Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Yes, container size is a big factor. Smaller the pot the faster your autos will start flowering.
Not completely true though. My 3 gal girls usually flower around week 4-5. I have a strawberry nuggets going right now in a 3gal and she’s 36 days old and just approaching flower. My 16L pot grows also flower around the same time as 12L (3gal). Pot size only plays a part partially. They have their own clock and their clock can be influenced from many factors in my opinion. But it’s not entirely true that they flower faster based on pot size. If the pot size is smaller than 3gal then yeah it will finish quicker because it has less space to grow
Not completely true though. My 3 gal girls usually flower around week 4-5. I have a strawberry nuggets going right now in a 3gal and she’s 36 days old and just approaching flower. My 16L pot grows also flower around the same time as 12L (3gal). Pot size only plays a part partially. They have their own clock and their clock can be influenced from many factors in my opinion. But it’s not entirely true that they flower faster based on pot size. If the pot size is smaller than 3gal then yeah it will finish quicker because it has less space to grow
I’ve grown autos in all size containers and have definitely noticed plants start to flower quicker in smaller pots. Been growing in 3 gallon containers lately and flowering starts around week 5 too.
These are plants that I have currently growing, they were all germinated at the same time and the plant in the 1.5 gallon pot obviously started to flower a couple weeks before the others that are in 3 gallon containers.


I’ve tried different pots myself and it definitely seems to affect seed to harvest time. As well as yield. The Orange Sherbet 10 gallon experiment in my ongoing thread went, I believe 110-120 days. Where as the 5-7 gallon pots normally finish between 80-100 days.

My philosophy was always that (among other things) the taproot takes longer to bottom out in a larger pot thus triggering the flower stage. Which is why I wanted to experiment with the pot sizes.

Anyway, my point was more to the fact that I’ve literally never had a plant finish according to what the breeder says. My last Strawberry Nuggets went about 90 days in a 5 gallon and Mephisto states 60-75. I don’t necessarily think that they’re “lying”, but they also don’t state the ETA of harvest based on pot size either. For all we know they could be running everything in 2 gallon pots.
I’ve tried different pots myself and it definitely seems to affect seed to harvest time. As well as yield. The Orange Sherbet 10 gallon experiment in my ongoing thread went, I believe 110-120 days. Where as the 5-7 gallon pots normally finish between 80-100 days.

My philosophy was always that (among other things) the taproot takes longer to bottom out in a larger pot thus triggering the flower stage. Which is why I wanted to experiment with the pot sizes.

Anyway, my point was more to the fact that I’ve literally never had a plant finish according to what the breeder says. My last Strawberry Nuggets went about 90 days in a 5 gallon and Mephisto states 60-75. I don’t necessarily think that they’re “lying”, but they also don’t state the ETA of harvest based on pot size either. For all we know they could be running everything in 2 gallon pots.

For sure. I did notice with my stardawg she was in a 16L square fabric pot that was taller than my other 16L round pots. She did absolutely amazing and it seemed like the taller the pot is the longer it takes to flower too. I will happily experiment with these things in the future. I’m use to 16L pots and this is my first 12L pot grow. I used them so I could fit more plants in my small space. They are performing pretty decent.

Here’s my strawberry nuggets at 36 days. She’s just entering flower and this will most likely be her last veg feed. I did transplant her late so it probs affected her growth a little. But I am happy with her because she shown sex pretty early on and I assumed she’d flower within a week or two but she didn’t. I don’t have her under her own light either because 3Wok is still taking up the space. I’ve defoliated her a little today.. more than I usually do. I don’t want uneven buds this time around. Most of her is pinned down to try get the smaller nodes to grow into bigger branches. I will probably remove the garden hooks/forks in a few days to see if She stretches up a little

Some trim jail for 3Wok. She’s crispy on outside but tiny bit damp. Gonna try sweat them with another bag for a little while before bagging. Terplock bags read around 66% humidity so I’ve taken them out



Cheers @mephisto @stan_mephisto for the most sticky and dense buds I’ve ever grown yet. She is also my absolute favourite plant I’ve grown yet. Heavy yielder, dense nugs, and she’s coated in trichomes
66% isn't bad. I don't mind leaving them at that. Once it hits 68%+, I at least open the bag for a couple hours.
I have a feeling it will creep up over night so don’t wanna risk the mold tbh :( I’ll pop them back in the grove bag with hybrometer and await reading for a bit
I have a feeling it will creep up over night so don’t wanna risk the mold tbh :( I’ll pop them back in the grove bag with hybrometer and await reading for a bit

I've had bud sit in the 80's for a couple days and they were still fine. These bags really are something else. It does help the cure cause when you start with a low rh. It's hard for me to bring them down that far but 5-7% on the pin meter has produced the crisp.
I might have missed it: what happened with the purple nuggets? I know they ran into issues with the coco/non-perlite, but I was curious how it looks.
I might have missed it: what happened with the purple nuggets? I know they ran into issues with the coco/non-perlite, but I was curious how it looks.

They’ve just woke. Here she is. Still crazy dense in there though. Very very hard to lst or defoliate. Leaves are embedded into the buds