Indoor MrAutoGrower Grows Mephisto - Purple Nuggets, 3Wok OG & Jammy Dodgers

Nice grow on there! Interested to see what the staggered harvest brings
Nice grow on there! Interested to see what the staggered harvest brings
The tops I chopped are real dense. I’m assuming about an oz from them. I didn’t chop much. Left a lot on to continue to mature. I’m interested to see what they yield too. Prob some seeds in there tbh though I seen signs of hermie but I’ll update once they’re dried :cheers:

Here’s a quick bud shot of what’s drying. There is around 10 of these drying maybe more :smoking:
You'll be fine with a partially filled bag. Nice buds!
Thanks bro. I prefer to hang dry but kinda out of resources right now. I’ve done brown bag drying before and it worked out nicely. I have them inside brown paper bags (2 bags - few big buds in them each), rolled the bags up then closed them up with a peg, and placed them into a quick DIY dry box lol. Cardboard box with holes in it, a slot at the other end for air to come out, with a small fan blowing air in one side and escapes the other. The fan isn’t blowing directly on the buds since they’re in bags. A gentle breeze really. So I’m hoping they turn out ok until I buy a small drying tent
Shoot, this last run I just threw the bags in the grow tent while the others were still going. No major issues but they did seam to dry out a little quicker from the heat of the light. After about 4-5 days them seamed really dry so I put them in the Grove bags. RH shot up to 80% so back in the brown bag for another day. Good luck and patients is a virtue
Strawberry Nuggets - Day 34

She’s been stretching and I’ve been pulling her down. Going to pull her outwards a bit later on again. She is bunching up with pistils now towards the main stem so she’s definitely preparing for flower. I was expecting her to flower prematurely weeks ago and she hasn’t so I am very happy with her and excited to watch her continue to flourish.


Grove bags arrived today. Will be using them instead of jars/buckets for the first time. Some 3Wok buds have been in paper bags for 3 days. Hoping by tomorrow or day 5 they will be dry to the point I can sweat them then bag them, and continue to dry more.

Here’s another picture of her after me spreading her out and opening her up a little again.

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DOne another partial harvest and done a quick wet trim and put them in brown paper bags. I’ve noticed some of my tops are not even in terms of maturity. Anyone else have this kinda issue? Next time I will Be leaf stripping a lot more for sure. So far 4 days in paper brown papers from my previous partial harvest and not much smell yet. Just hoping the extra sugar leaves I left on don’t cause molding or other issues. Does anyone else who uses this method smells come through by now? Like 4 days into dry
DOne another partial harvest and done a quick wet trim and put them in brown paper bags. I’ve noticed some of my tops are not even in terms of maturity. Anyone else have this kinda issue? Next time I will Be leaf stripping a lot more for sure. So far 4 days in paper brown papers from my previous partial harvest and not much smell yet. Just hoping the extra sugar leaves I left on don’t cause molding or other issues. Does anyone else who uses this method smells come through by now? Like 4 days into dry
46 days in flower is not enough, 56 would be minimum IMHO. Also, leaf stripping (schwazzing) that bushy plant a couple times would have given you a lot less larf on the bottom.
46 days in flower is not enough, 56 would be minimum IMHO. Also, leaf stripping (schwazzing) that bushy plant a couple times would have given you a lot less larf on the bottom.
She’s supposed to go 70 days in total from seed. She’s 85 days. There isn’t much larf either. I pruned most of the weaker stems off. Sure, there is smaller buds there but even most of them are still quite dense. But I agree more stripping would have benefited her