Dinafem Auto Cookies bud. :drool: she stayed small, because she was on the same feed as solo cup girl. it would have been more, if I grew them in the normal way. what is there is very potent and has a rock candy taste without cure. I wish I had more to grow, this will not get to cure, as I am smoking it already.:dizzy:smell...8 . yield... 6 (wrong feeding) potency..8 taste...9. as I said hard rock candy with a lime undertone.:woohoo:
View attachment 1115671@St. Tom View attachment 1115672if I had grown this in my normal way. it would have been a nine across the board. very tasty, one of the best flavors without a cure. In memory. YUM!

Not a bad end result at all mate from the mini Xmas tree :pass:

I'm not sure why but yours had a special look about her :thumbsup:

Another worthy contender in my humble opinion :pass:

Congratulations on the harvest buddy and thank you for taking part in the 1st Dinafem Solo Cup Challenge on AFN :headbang:

Any idea on the end dry weight mate?

All the best :bong:

Mark.. #teamdinafem