Mephisto Genetics MoreBerry's First Grow Journal/Photos! Sour Crack and Stomper

What are you feeding? I'm no expert but that looks P def. to me.
Got much much worse after feeding with P unfortunately. This is a kind soil grow, so up until the defc, I was not feeding anything really. Just recharge, superthrive, and carbs for SC2 and SS2. Just dechlorinated tap water for SS3. All water and water/nutes have been ph'd to 6.2 to 6.8 prior to this issue. Based on the feedback in the infirmary, I Ph'd water on the 6th at 6.0. Yesterday their water was Ph'd to 6.5.

To offset the P defc, I did 2 feeds with AN Overdrive, with some CalMag on the side. Seems like SS3 didn't like the extra N in the calmag.
Got much much worse after feeding with P unfortunately. This is a kind soil grow, so up until the defc, I was not feeding anything really. Just recharge, superthrive, and carbs for SC2 and SS2. Just dechlorinated tap water for SS3. All water and water/nutes have been ph'd to 6.2 to 6.8 prior to this issue. Based on the feedback in the infirmary, I Ph'd water on the 6th at 6.0. Yesterday their water was Ph'd to 6.5.

To offset the P defc, I did 2 feeds with AN Overdrive, with some CalMag on the side. Seems like SS3 didn't like the extra N in the calmag.
Okay. If you've been to the infirmary, you've gotten better advice than I can give. I'm gonna go look for it.
Okay. If you've been to the infirmary, you've gotten better advice than I can give. I'm gonna go look for it.

I think the big mistake was kind soil instead of GBD's super soil.... I just didn't know when I was setting up. At least I found Mephisto though!

Next grow will be 10 gallon DWC next to a GBD super soil mix.
There are some amazing pics of some kick ass plants in this journal!! Excellent job on both! Im sure the issue you're having will get straightened out! Either way you've done a fine job on your first grow! Talk about lights!! You have all based covered there!!
There are some amazing pics of some kick ass plants in this journal!! Excellent job on both! Im sure the issue you're having will get straightened out! Either way you've done a fine job on your first grow! Talk about lights!! You have all based covered there!!

Thanks Prophetiko!! I am disappointed with how the organics are finishing up but happy overall. The Sour Crack and Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1s[/HASHTAG] are awesome.

Speaking of Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]... Here she is!
Just a random bud for now... I'll take some glamour shots of the best buds soon haha



Thanks again for the awesome genetics @gbd and @mephisto
Lovely plants you have here mate. Good growing skills sir.

I see you also have arsey sour stompers! Mine is about the same as your SS2 in the last photo, and also seemed to stall for a while. She is at day 56 I think, but is by far the least mature plant I've had so far. I can't work out what her problem is: too much N, too little P, too much calmag, too much calmag?! She seems to have got over her stall after a good flush about a week or more ago, but we will see what it does to the yield etc.

I have to say she is the smelliest, stickiest, greasiest plant I've had so far, and her trichs are massive!

Good luck with yours, and I will be following along to try and understand these high maintenance girls lol :toke:
Its been a while guys! Sorry for the lapse in posting. The tent has been a little sad with the P deficiency, but we will be harvesting in the next 3 days and I will be sure to post photos of the plants at that stage!! :vibe:

In other news, Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] have been weighed out!

Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] yielded 2.66 ounces after stabilizing at 60% humidity in jars and after smoking around an 8th before full cure.
Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] yielded 1.42 ounces after stabilizing at 60% humidity in jars and after smoking around a 4th before full cure.

I am EXTREMELY happy about that yield for my very first plants. :frog:

Here are some shots of the grade AAA+ Sour Stomper buds!!!
For size reference, that is a wide mouth quart mason jar.



