Mephisto Genetics MoreBerry's First Grow Journal/Photos! Sour Crack and Stomper

2 reasons! First, early in the grow I stunted them a little with N toxicity, so I backed off on the Sensi A a little. Now I am backing off of it because I fed 4ml of CalMag per gallon All 4 of the older plants showed signs of N tox at the beginning of the grow and then showed CalMag deficency (minimal) 2 weeks ago. I was feeding 6ml A/B before the CalMag deficency, but now I am adding 3 or 4ml of CalMag per gallon. Advanced Nutrition CalMag is 4-0-0 and I didn't want to experience N toxicity again, so I just backed off the Sensi A and allowed the plants to get nitrogen from their CalMag.

**I think the calmag deficiency started because I fed RO water a couple times during that week and I am under 600 watts of COBs and LEDs??**

I did order a low N organic CalMag too but it was fucking with the PH, so I will use that on my organic plants only. :)
The young plants are basically water only, in kind soil. My young sour crack is getting recharge/superthrive/calmag, one of my young sour stompers is getting recharge/superthrive/calmag, and the other sour stomper is getting straight PH'd tap water (citric acid crystals added to a PH of 6.5 to 6.8)

**I decided to do an organic grow to compare to the Tang's easy schedule grow. Also, I figured that the organic grow would be incredibly easy and hard to fuck up. So if I fucked up the easy schedule grow, I'd still get some weed! I hate buying weed**

Ah! Your thinking is solid. I can't give any thoughts on your grow since I use coco myself but it's been four years of experimenting for me and lots of little changes along the way to dial things in so I'm sure you'll crack it over time. Although the girls look very green which could possibly be over feeding of nitrogen.

I went through a period of using distilled water because the local water is very very hard. I supplemented with half strength calmag under led's up until 25 days and had fantastic grows with it but the big bud coco has added calmag so I don't need it anymore now. I realised that if I PH the feed correctly then I don't need calmag at all with the AN Coco nutes. I always thought I had calmag deficiencies but it turns out adding calmag was the problem, they were getting too much of it. I never use more than 2.5 Coco Bloom and I find Rhino Skin (Silica) to be fantastic as well. Along with Voodoo juice and carboload and then overdrive for the last 25 days.

Just finished my Sour Stompers and they are banging! Mephisto has the best auto's period! I went back to a dutch passion grow recently and it was embarrassingly bad compared to mephisto. I don't know how they do it but I'm sticking with them for life!
I'd love to see photos of your Sour Stompers in the late stages!!

The plants look a lot better than they did before. The SS1 and SC1 were both exhibiting 'the claw' and VERY dark green. I think it hurt their overall size but thats OK. The FB/DP plants seemed to have the opposite issue, they looked like they were never fed enough and I couldn't figure it out. I think I salvaged them but they certainly didn't grow like the mephisto plants.
Day 57 for Sour Crack number one... She is starting to show some color on her buds! She is beautiful in person.

Also, for the first time ever, I smoked weed that I grew! It was a lower small bud I took off of Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] last week. I expected it to be harsh but it was not bad. It had a slight berry flavor in one hit and then a citrus cleaner type taste the next. Yummy!!!


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Day 57 for Sour Crack number one... She is starting to show some color on her buds! She is beautiful in person.

Also, for the first time ever, I smoked weed that I grew! It was a lower small bud I took off of Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] last week. I expected it to be harsh but it was not bad. It had a slight berry flavor in one hit and then a citrus cleaner type taste the next. Yummy!!!
Lovely girls. :smoking:
Its a great feeling, smoking something you've slaved over.
Take that :slap:
Day 60 for SS1, day 59 for SC1, day 45 for SS2/SS3/SC2

All of the older plants are now on flush and will be harvested this week. Seeing mostly cloudy with some clear. No amber yet! The pistils are mostly orange on the SS1/SC1. I believe I will harvest SC1 on Monday, maybe Tuesday. Would love some advice on that!! :)

SS2/SC2 are still receiving Superthrive, Carboload, Recharge, and occasionally some general organics CalMag. Then I am ph'ing water to the 6.2 to 6.8 range. Also, its plain carbon filtered tap water right now, which is quite hard here. Lots of calcium in it. (same water for the older plant's flush)

Here are the pictures!

First shoti s of SC1, then SC2, then 2 photos of SS1, and lastly 2 photos of SS2's tallest colas. They are around 24inches and 21 inches each. :)


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Sour Crack number 1 at day 59. 1 week into her flush!


Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] at day 45. She is substantially bigger than her older sister. She is wider than any other plant in the tent, including the blackberry's.


Here is Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Looking almost ready to harvest I think. She will probably come down Friday based on a 10 day flush.


Here is Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] showing off her highest buds! She is around 24~25 inches here. Much bigger than Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG].


Here is another of Sour Stomper #2's colas. This one is around 21 inches or so. Slightly shorter than the tallest. She is only 45 days old and already frosty!

Day 61 for Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and Day 60 for Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. Still showing mostly cloudy with some clear trichomes




Day 46 for Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]! She is looking like she is going to yield a LOT more than Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG].

I harvested and trimmed my first plant today!!!! Afterwards, I smoked scissor trim hash. Grapey tasting!

This was my FastBuds BlackBerry Auto (not documented in this thread). I could not manage to get this plant to grow as well as my Mephistos. She was not very forgiving to a beginner, but I still managed 5oz (wet) of some super purple buds. I am hoping that will dry out to 1 ounce but I would not be upset if it were less... She took a lot of abuse!

I also got 2.5 ounces of frosty trim! She was LEAFY.

I decided to measure Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] late last night because I could not sleep. She is just under 12 inches tall and just over 22 inches wide. She is wide and bushy for sure! She is on day 47 now.

