Mephisto Genetics MoreBerry's First Grow Journal/Photos! Sour Crack and Stomper

Thanks Tetra9! :)

I am using a Nikon DSLR with a couple different lenses. I can PM you the exact setup if you'd like. I am not using flash, just the COBs at 3000k and 3500k. Then I am adjusting the WB manually.

How can you tell that the Sour Stomper is leaching nutes? I have never heard of that, unless you mean that the plant is using up reserves?

According to the infirmary, it looks like a P deficiency and I think I agree. The reason I didn't see it before was because I was just ignoring the dying leaves. I thought they were dying from age and the plant was using them up. Now that I look again and closely inspect them, they are exhibiting P deficiency symptoms. I have started to feed with AN Overdrive... I wanted these to be 100% organic, but thats OK.

Thank's for the camera info. I'm just nuts over that p900 because of a You-Tube video I saw recently. It seems Nikon is the shit. Hope you don't mind me posting the vid that has me obsessing real quick. I'll put it after this post, and delete it once you see it.
Man it's crazy - but we both ended up with a P deficiency at the same exact time, same strain and same age. Was yours induced by any specific variable that you can put your finger on? I'm going to look through any other Sour Stomper journals I can find and see if they had P def during mid to heavy flower. If so someone should probably officially declare that these ladies like the P during flower.
Oh, leaching is reserve usage - I can tell my plant is Leaching when (as u mentioned earlier) my plants leaves start to gradually and evenly yellow from the bottom up. I thought mine was just leaching because I've been phasing out the nutes over time, but by the end of the day yesterday I had several fan leaves with the text book symptoms. It was ugly ! The leaf tips were damn near rolling up ! Glad it's worked out.
Hey did you give a bud a squeeze yet ? Mine actually smells like Grape ! I can't believe, it really does smell strongly of grape ! :weed::peace::weed:
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Shot on Nikon P900 - I haven't tried this with mine yet, however my camera performed just as well with shots of the Moon and Mars,
I just never considered Saturn ! I have it time stamped to I don't waste any more of your - Glad to have made your acquaintance !
Thank's for the camera info. I'm just nuts over that p900 because of a You-Tube video I saw recently. It seems Nikon is the shit. Hope you don't mind me posting the vid that has me obsessing real quick. I'll put it after this post, and delete it once you see it.
Man it's crazy - but we both ended up with a P deficiency at the same exact time, same strain and same age. Was yours induced by any specific variable that you can put your finger on? I'm going to look through any other Sour Stomper journals I can find and see if they had P def during mid to heavy flower. If so someone should probably officially declare that these ladies like the P during flower.
Oh, leaching is reserve usage - I can tell my plant is Leaching when (as u mentioned earlier) my plants leaves start to gradually and evenly yellow from the bottom up. I thought mine was just leaching because I've been phasing out the nutes over time, but by the end of the day yesterday I had several fan leaves with the text book symptoms. It was ugly ! The leaf tips were damn near rolling up ! Glad it's worked out.
Hey did you give a bud a squeeze yet ? Mine actually smells like Grape ! I can't believe, it really does smell strongly of grape ! :weed::peace::weed:

I actually just harvested my Sour Stomper! :)
I think the P deficiency is due to the Kind Soil. Waira and Heavily Medicated both had the same issue at the same time.

That video is pretty sharp! Impressive for that kind of camera!
Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] just got cut down... Her buds were insanely sticky, smelly, and ROCK HARD. More dense than my Sour Crack#1
I am hoping we will pull 2 ounces or more off of her!

For reference, she is in a 5 gallon airpot and is standing a bit over 21 inches tall. No popcorn buds on her at all. All dense and frosty.
On another note... I just filled my first ever jar of weed!! Probably the most weed I have ever had.

These buds are my FastBuds Blackberry. They definitely leave something to be desired in terms of density. Just about the airy-est weed I have ever seen but I am certain it was due to my errors rather than genetics.



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Still dealing with some weird deficiencies unfortunately... Adding nutes does not seem to have helped very much and the plants seem to have stalled. Definitely not getting as fat as SS#1 and SC#1 but they still have at least 10 days to go!

Here is SS2


Here is SC2

Here is SS3



Lastly... Yesterday we made some hash and canna-coco oil out of my Blackberry Kushes


That water was insanely purple... Really fun to work with!