Think there 4 weeks
Such a stoner...
Closest structure to the 20 footer so far

Been breaking necks but they fix in a day lol

Whittled It down to 11 , moved three others , shit place in the orgy and one had a broken head dunno how it fixed afterwards
Gonna just kill em I think outlet the rabbits have em lol
Top shot

Anyone reading I do a lot of direct to pictures in live stoner board... stuff I wish I didn’t lol so it’d be here

Been raining a lot so I sneak in and feed with MC.. the pot is drinking a lot more now.. just fed 2L of food it stopped raining at 3am..
Thirsty... indoor outdoor girls are still heavy from rain..
Had some colour change may have been a deficiency ... hoping it’s not , from the cool rain would be nice.
Been peppering in the bud explosion or whatever. The P-K crystals..

Oh and the leaves been getting chewed believe it is the earwigs I caught (pics in live-stoners).
I was just re reading this cause I can’t find my notebook... it would appear that the self topping or suicide was from blue kush.. I forgot about the pink pistils on the gemmil lol I’ll be popping those next... see what goes on with that one

Forgot about all the bullshit on this thread lmao may start a new one this could be bad luck.
And something in the orgy pot smells like a nectarine or peach I think the cat piss smelling ones do that..
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To step away from that...
I recently acquired some donor clones...
2 Cali Mist & 1 SourKush look out should be getting fun around here.. I need another tent
Smashed them with a lil megacrop, we will see how they bounce back.. I think I’m gonna end up taking clones off the clones

And the I think rockstar or pink.. some kush Mutant.. this is definitely a torture lover’s dream if the mutation sticks. 3sites and all by itself spilts into a maineline at like 5thnode :crying:

I started removing fans.. gonna keep on top of it and see how it plays out..
Got bored last night and this morning..
Repurposed some small bamboos and used one, maybe 2 big ones to help open things up a bit. We’ll see what happens.

Slapped a couple more in
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Cool shit mate . :thumbsup:
Thanks brother,
I think next time I’ll just stuff a garbage can lid in the centre lol this has the potential to be a shit show

@St. Tom so what am I shooting for with these new bluelab pens? To be honest I’m surprised I’ve done as well as I have up to date with just letting the plants talk to me and just eyeing stuff out.. back when I did my own soil blends kicked ass, water only basically, preferred I have last couple times to hand feed a little booster so the soils ready to get charged again..
Thanks brother,
I think next time I’ll just stuff a garbage can lid in the centre lol this has the potential to be a shit show

@St. Tom so what am I shooting for with these new bluelab pens? To be honest I’m surprised I’ve done as well as I have up to date with just letting the plants talk to me and just eyeing stuff out.. back when I did my own soil blends kicked ass, water only basically, preferred I have last couple times to hand feed a little booster so the soils ready to get charged again..
do you mean what ph for coco or soil with coco its between 5.8 and 6.2 and soil is a little higher at 6.0 to 7.0