Update on rhe Kush-n-Cheese known as the Saveling,she is also at the start of week 10/70 days,,she has done a fine job overcoming all the hardship she has faced,both plants have about two weeks left at the most
anotherupdaye will be in 7 days...peace !!!
Hello all! Week 11 and day 74ish. Took my ugly little BlueAmnesia down today. She looked a bit early, but I'll be pressing her flowers for rosin for the Holiday parties coming up! I liked her growth and had a few problems with my soil mix, but over all am pretty happy with how she recovered. I'll get dried pics up in 4-5 days and a few pics of the pressed rosin from the flowers!! On to the final grow pics, taken this morning...
Kinda embarrassing every time mom comes over she mentions about 100 organic gardening sprays she's got but forgot to bring,I chopped the other lady rather than keep spraying the mites I got a ok hold on it now but my blue amnesias definitely got the brunt force of the attack and I learned a valuable lesson never trust a clone use a seed all these problems because I took a clone only strain in last winter I have been growing non stop for two years and as sad as this is for me I will have to take a day off when my last plant finishs to clean and redo my grow so I don't come in contact with any more mites flying pests I can handle lol