Outdoor Mini Greenhouse - Lowrider, 60DayLemon, BlueMystic, Auto Purple, Somango

Dec 6, 2014
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Hello everyone and welcome to my modest outdoor grow! :)

I recently decided to move indoors after many years of inactivity and found it hard going...but it gave me the confidence to give autos a go outdoors, even if in pots - but still hoping for enough to get me trough till next year's summer!

So, even thoguh I am quite northern in the latitude stakes, and summer has not been great, I decided to give a Lowryder a go...It is now in week 5!!
here is a shot of it starting to flower at week 4..
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And here it is now!
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The little burn you see is my fault - had it in a SMALL greenhouse and got black fly. I think the concentration of veg oil + dishwashing soap was a little too strong - but the rest of plant seems more than OK :)
So....encouraged by the Lowryder, I have now started another 4, the choice falling on:

- Auto Purple
- Blue Mystic
- 60 Day Lemon (we shall see....!!! :D )
- Somango (one that prooved quite strong under the poor things I was doing to them whilest getting accustomed to LED...I wanted a second go!)

Here they are after 1 week exactly - Happy Birthday!! :D

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Auto Purple
View media item 1463
Blue Mystic & 60 Day Lemon
View media item 1462

These are still in the SMALL greenhouse.

The Lowryder has been put in the Walkin greenhouse with tomatoes, but they were sprouted from seed way too late - didn't have a walk-in greenhouse then! :D

I hope to put weekly pics - unless I get problems....or coerced into more photos!!!
So I hope the ladies put on a good show and hope everyone enjoys the thread!

OK - One week gone by, here are the updates as promised!
Even though no replies yet..I have noticed quite a few views, so will continue to post updates - I was a silent forum lurker for a long time too (and still lurk loads too!!! :) )

60 Day Lemon
View media item 1665
Auto Purple
View media item 1664
Blue Mistic (weird colourings - it sprouted weird to be fair, but should've grown out of weirdness by now?)
View media item 1663

View media item 1662
WEEK 6 - Lowryder

She has a few insects eating at her sap, but nothing out of hand any more. There was the one day it seemed to get out of hand, I put loads of rosemary branches and mint leaves over the soil, with a bit of lavender too. Plus I saw a lot of spiders have come in and other killing bugs (no idea what they were, but they were eating the aphids - so happy with them to be there!:muahaha:) - I will try and promote as much biodervisty as possible for a good balance! I have some neem as a last resport - but it's the last few weeks for the baby girl, so I hope not to need it!

Anywyas...here are the photos!

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Out of interest - is there no way of adding thumbnails straight from gallery anymore? I always seem to get a link - not quite as nice as photo thumbnails!:shrug:
Hi, nice to see someone growing Lowryder. I grew Lowryder 2 last year, some success but not a great yield - and got a bit of mould outdoor growing as the weather deteriorated at the end of August (warm and wet - the perfect storm). Your mini greenhouse should help you control the end of season if its wet - but if they can be sneaked out into full sun on nice days it should help flowering. This was one of my Lowryder 2's from last year (about 3 weeks into flower).


? Did you bend over the stem on that one to encourage side shoots - or did it have an accident and just grow with a kink ?

This year I'm trying Diesel Ryder - Purple Ryder - Northern Lights - and Mighty Midget (all autos and outdoors obviously). I chose some of the Lowryder x crosses to try an get improved yield from those but its been a rubbish summer so far so will see how that works out.
Hi, nice to see someone growing Lowryder. I grew Lowryder 2 last year, some success but not a great yield - and got a bit of mould outdoor growing as the weather deteriorated at the end of August (warm and wet - the perfect storm). Your mini greenhouse should help you control the end of season if its wet - but if they can be sneaked out into full sun on nice days it should help flowering. This was one of my Lowryder 2's from last year (about 3 weeks into flower).

View attachment 467376

? Did you bend over the stem on that one to encourage side shoots - or did it have an accident and just grow with a kink ?

This year I'm trying Diesel Ryder - Purple Ryder - Northern Lights - and Mighty Midget (all autos and outdoors obviously). I chose some of the Lowryder x crosses to try an get improved yield from those but its been a rubbish summer so far so will see how that works out.

Hi SpliffScot, thanks for posting by!
I like your photo, when you say she didn't yield much, any chance you could be more precise? Just very curious! ;) i know they are not known for their high yields, but I was hoping for 25-30g? I must say she has been the easiest ever! And the last couple of days, even though insects seem to be growing in number, she has started filling out - finally, eas starting to worry she never would! :) last week we had a few days of sun and I did exactly as you said - she was out in the sun for an extra golden light bath! :)

The plant has got that kink because I was woried it'd get too tall..and I was curious to see if it'd trick the plant into which was it's dominant tip...but it still seems to know, even though it's the 3rd highest! Maybe apical dominance not as pronounced in ruderalis strains?
I have to say though, i never thought I'd get such long sidebranching going - it is quite a funky looking plant! :)
Hi - I think it was about 18-20g (but it had some buds removed because of mould which had also resulted in a slightly early harvest). And yer I think the Lowryder prefers a single flowering stem - someone decapitated one of mine last year with a football and it never recovered from the shock (me neither but you can't blame the kids) - even at finish it was a stalk with few longer side buds none of which had taken off as a leader.

The Diesel Ryder I have this year is similar outdoors but not as bushy as the one I have in the coldframe, which is showing a lot more flowering nodes. But the DR does have in its seed notes that some plants may grow taller than expected. Interestingly I think the auto's all suffer from a bit of a genetic hokey-pokey going on. This was a Lowryder that I had in last years batch - apart from it's compact size and autoflowering nature this seed was definitely showing a bit of bonsai sativa - lovely smoke tho and very different. I'd imagine it's these plants a lot of breeders pick for the thrill of 'if I cross it with this what will I get ?'


(above) These two were supposed to be Lowryder 2's - the one on the right obviously fits the description but it's sister was an entirely different and very sticky little beast in the end.

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(above) 1st is Diesel Ryder (outdoor) - waiting for this one to (fatten) - it stopped going vertical a couple of weeks ago. The 2nd is the coldframe version of the same. Only other difference would be the temps/watering/nutes as both sites are in close proximity so can rule out sunshine. The outdoor one has been getting regular downpours while the coldframe ones are sheltered from the worst of this and probably get better nutes and attention as a result.

I have also (late started) Purple Ryders - again chosen for being compact and fast - these will hopefully go back into the coldframe as the others finish to extend the season.

Will follow your thread just to see how your Lowryder comes on - this year all of mine are Ryder x crosses.

How are your other girls coming on? I'm looking at my Northern Light Autos as being my best performers outdoors so far this year.
Hi mate, Nice and extremely interesiting post, thanks for contributing! to my thread! :)
I'm no expert, even by amateur terms, but
I have alwasy had an interest in genetics - and that LR2 of yours is mighty interesting!! :drool:

Here weather at the moment is not great, but decent enough to allow for things to move along with all. Since it's hte LR that interests most (and, since so close to completion, for me too!! :smokeit:)..here she is!

She has had more leaf damage done, as you can see, but mainly fan leaves and it appears to be causing no problems to buds..or growth of them. I have taken an electric racket and managed to do quite a carnage, things are still not too unbalanced though, plant seems to be fattening incely I think?

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She is also starting to smell rather sweet - if still discreet, cannot smell it at a huge distance.

As for the other ladies...coming on well, all started showing new side shoots, which is about bang on schedule :)
the Blue Mystic after a little nue burn/slight overwater seems to have gained a lead, closely followed by the 60Day Lemon. Somango doing well too. Only little problems have been with the Auto Purple, the stalk had collapsed but I picked it up straight away (pretty much anyway) and I think she has recovered? we shall see in next couple of days if this is the case. If it continues OK, it seems to have cost her a day or two, so nothing too bad - this plant is supposed to be a good yileder outdoors..we'll c :)

Here are the pics :)

Blue Mystic
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60Day Lemon
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Auto Purple
Lowryder looking good - it should fatten a bit over the next couple of weeks - don't be impatient tho I't might run for another 3 weeks or so before the shade leaves start to yellow - or check the trichlomes. The Lowryder 2s had lots of large sugar leaves (larger than most I've seen), which made for an interesting side crop of bush leaves.

As an outdoor grower in cold/wet northern latitudes I find even plants that fall over will soon recover, even if they always maintain a slight kink - windowsills as starting points is OUR failure - often get 'hot pots' and don't get a breeze to stimulate stem strengthening.

Having seen the size of 3 week olds from a small indoor box for starting using CFLs that's definitely what I'm doing next year, since the plants should be out before flowering initiates (going into the coldframe) means there should be no smell and for starting the indoor area can be minimal and easily concealed (cough - the wife's gonna kill me when I take everything out of my side of the wardrobe - hey ho). So next year I'm Indoor to Coldframe (for hardening off) - then to final outdoor positions or pots. It would be nice to stagger grows to maximise and extend our short summer. So indoor starting early makes sense and a later crop finishing in the cold frame in the autumn would be nice - unfortunately I can't take them back to indoors if they are flowering just because of the smell and domestic strife it would cause.

So many gales in the early summer i was worried a lot of mine would be flattened - and some were - but they all picked up - which has left me wondering what to do with the late started Purple Ryders ... hmmm


They are about to get a real shock as I dig them up and put them into pots - because there is no way they will be finished with the remaining summer without aid of the coldframe.

Just hoping for a sunny dry August now because it's been cold wet and overcast most days here this summer.

If you're interested in the genetics :

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Hi mate, thanks loads for the link! Been doing quite a read up on it, it's an interesting affair!! :) got some photos going as well, a wwxafghan kush and some bag seed - amazing how different breeders/seedbanks can have such varying phenos :)

I know what you mean about stsrting in a box...but If I can get these 5 going well, I will stick to just outdoors in greenhouse - though with this awful summer (am i still allowed to call it that with no sunshine and max temps pf 16degC? :shrug:) mould may be an issue...they are scheduled to finish first week of sep at the latest...IN THEORY! :cool1: I have staggered this lot as a trial this year, 1month between Lowryder and the others...if i could get first seeds sprouting end of April, that would give me at least 3runs...also want to do a guerilla grow somewhere, starting mid may - hopefully the lot will fulfil my year's needs!:smoking:

Oh - Lowryder fattening up still, I read a lot of people saying it takes 8 weeks...hard to believe at the moment though, it/ still so green and lush! I have a microscope....but I have been reading that Autoflowers should not be judged in trichomes, but on leaf colour? Srt of makes sense to me, waiting for natural senescence to take place? you come across that?

As for your lot - i dunno exact time scales of that strain, but cant you get a polytunnel or something rather than digging up?

Take care till next time..and keep em photos coming:coffee:!,