Dinafem QuickGorilla + auto COOKIES outdoor/greenhouse/indoor test

Harvest QG1 clones. day 62 (55 flowering)
Hi there guys sorry for not being as active. real life shit .. anyways .. clones are down and curing in the glasses.
In the end pretty easy and fast grow. Not much nutriens or care needed. Smoke is already smooth and rich. Skunky sweet x petrol minty are the flavors that Im getting the most. Pleasant smoke, really happy with the outcome. thx again @Dinafem-Mark and afn ;)
179g dry.
overal pretty happy with 4L containers, although I could stuck 2 more clones in there and get to like 240g or smth. TS1000 did definetly a great job ;) @MarshydroTina
QG1 clones cure start (2).jpg
QG1 clones cure start.jpg

Last pic before cut. One girl was taken aprox.5 days earlier so theres only 5 girls in the pic ;-) but she is in the single photos...
IMG_20201010_061512 (2).jpg
QG1 clones day62 (1).jpg
QG1 clones day62 (2).jpg
QG1 clones day62 (4).jpg
QG1 clones day62 (5).jpg
QG1 clones day62 (6).jpg
QG1 clones day62 (7).jpg
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Hi there guys sorry for not being as active. real life shit .. anyways .. clones are down and curing in the glasses.
In the end pretty easy and fast grow. Not much nutriens or care needed. Smoke is already smooth and rich. Skunky sweet x petrol minty are the flavors that Im getting the most. Pleasant smoke, really happy with the outcome. thx again @Dinafem-Mark and afn ;)
179g dry.
overal pretty happy with 4L containers, although I could stuck 2 more clones in there and get to like 240g or smth. TS1000 did definetly a great job ;) @MarshydroTina
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Last pic before cut. One girl was taken aprox.5 days earlier so theres only 5 girls in the pic ;-) but she is in the single photos...
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Nice job bud good to see u got some good numbers.
Nice job bud good to see u got some good numbers.
thx a lot bud ;) mission accomplished and some lovely smoke as a reward what more can simple peasant like me want :D nice change from the outdoor fiasco with mold thieves and sht :(
thx a lot bud ;) mission accomplished and some lovely smoke as a reward what more can simple peasant like me want :D nice change from the outdoor fiasco with mold thieves and sht :(
Outdoors is hard bud in the last 5yrs I've been doing both but outdoors imho is harder great job though and u learned from it and got smoke that's a real win win
Outdoors is hard bud in the last 5yrs I've been doing both but outdoors imho is harder great job though and u learned from it and got smoke that's a real win win
I did a lot outdoors decade and something ago but if you can get on the location only once a week and the guy taking care is "blind" and newbie grower its even harder. and thieves dont get me started on that .. little pricks :D anyway at least the indoor saves that ;) better luck next year I guess ;)
@Dinafem-Mark I took gorilla for a trip ;) perfect hiking material ;) loving that taste after bit of a cure
GOrillla (2).jpg

GOrillla (1).jpg