Mephisto Genetics Mephisto, Amare se-450's & Big Sm0

This is my third run on hubbabubba. The first was ok but major deficiencies I couldnt figure out. The last run had the same start till I figured out they were in need of so much calcium and now. All I can say is wow! These things are insane. Over the next few days I still anticipate major growth but I am well ahead of any run at this stage. I'm not saying these are massive but they are on their way.

I'm slacking, been 2 days without an update lol.
Went 50/50 last feed with grow and flower nutrients. Very heavy mix.

I mixed up 20 gallons worth of nutrients,
12tsp grow, 12tsp bloom, 30 tsp calmag

1oz amino acids, 1oz fruit and vegetable enhancer, 1oz photosynthesis

general hydroponics
8tsp bioweed, 8 tsp biomarine, and 8tsp floralicious. Ppm was at 1200 and I increased the ph to 6.5.

If anyone is wondering I do have a few smaller spaces in this room going too. That back room you can hardly see was for germinating and vegging plants. Since the perpetual timing was off I threw 4 plants in there. Also have a couple in the walk way.
Thank you @mephisto @AMARE-TECH-Vic
View attachment 673704
My little drying closet. It has 8 rows 6 feet across inside. View attachment 673703
Can't forget the 2 racks that are nearly full as well. View attachment 673705

I'd guess 1/2 lb per plant, 8 plants in 3 3x3 trays. 1250 watts of Amare solar spec se-450's I have pulled high numbers on the past with dinafem but I really like the quality of these mephisto. I also averaged 1000-1300 umoles at the canopy without co2. Things could have been better but it was my first full mephisto run. I have grown a lot of weed and this Amare mephisto combo is by far the best combo I have run ever. Lec, hps, cheaper led, none of it compares. Of the strains I ran these seem to be the most resinous, densest and smelliest crop I have ever run or seen in person. I'd love to grab you two guys and light up a Cheech and Chong. You guys put in the work and I appreciate you both.
Man BigSm0, that is just awesome!!! Great work, gives me something to shoot for!
I hope to be able to get some larger strains at some point. But my cab is only 2'×2'×5'. The HBBSS would probably blow the walls apart lol. I'd like to try some alien vs triangle as well. I think it's supposed to be pretty potent, but a larger plant as well.
Would it be over kill to have 4 cobs in a 2'×2' space?
This is my first run trying anything besides hubbabubba from mephisto. Skyrone stomper/Walter white seems to be much smaller. I'd say it would be a perfect fit for a 2x2 space.

As for the lights that would absolutely be way to much. Each of these cobs gives more light than a mars300. That's the efficiency part I always talk about. Where wattage is not really important it's the amount of light per watt. One cob in a 2x2 is plenty.