My new LED came in today!!!! When I got a better idea of the size and saw the thing turned on I instantly knew it wouldn't be sharing the tent with any other lights. It is bonkers bright, where before there were several darker spots around the tent there is now not a dark spot to be found, not even looking through the canopy to the soil! I plugged it into the existing setup where I have a load meter plugged in, and the timer plugged into the load meter, and it was going from around 175-180, I got a snapshot of 178. It's a 96 X 3w setup that has been attenuated to 2w, and they report it operates at between 170-190 so it's right on the money!! The first thing I was impressed by is how much more blue light it has compared to my UFO. My UFO appears very purple whereas this one has an almost daylight look that's tinged with purple.
Speaking of light I found out Saturday night when I woke up at 3 am that my light was on where it should be off from 12-4. Long story short I realized in the morning that some of the pins were not fully seated so I've been giving them 2 hours of sleep a day since the beginning.... Needless to say I fixed it and they're now on a 20/4 schedule I'd intended.
Thing 2, and to a lesser extent Thing 1 has started flowering, though only just in both cases. The next few days should be interesting between the new light, the extra penetration from leaf removal, and just where I am in the grow cycle. They ended up needing water late yesterday afternoon despite getting water on Saturday so I obliged. This time I gave them a quarter tsp of Dynagro, a half dose of Tigerbloom, and a normal dose of Sensizym since I noticed some hardening on the top of my soil(no idea what that's about). Anyway, that's what I've got, other than some pics of course. Hope you're all having a good grow day today!!
Thing 2
Thing 1
Group Shot
Nice pots..... LOL! :smoke: