New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Thanks a heap EoF, every bit of that post was helpful. I'm not much for panic, so I got it duct taped with about a 2cm border beyond the cut on either side, then I laid it back down on the paracord within 30 seconds time, I think I gave it the best chance I could, so I don't feel hope is lost yet. That said it did make my heart sink quite a bit, I've never had something that drastic happen in any grow canna, or vegetable. I think the pattern to be found in the two oh crap moments I've had is that I should go medicate *before* getting to work, I tend to work slower and more deliberate. I'll go in and pull 4 of the biggest olfending fan leaves, thanks again for the advice and comfort, it's much appreciated!
Bummer man....of all the times to do it is good with all that growth taking place. Hope she heals up for yah man.......Vibe sent.
I have a male Ouro Photo plant somewhere in my 100% organic grow with pics as to how I did mine,but thats a Photo but give ya some idea of some before and after pics n all.Just remember it will slow growth from one day to a few days,typically not much longer than that if all is good.Yeah never helps to panic.that just gets ya all jacked up in no time.turn ya right into a soup samich really quick man.LOL!all ya can do is wait at this point imo.sounds like ya did all ya could man.yeah I tend to start with the larger mid and sometimes upper most fan leaves when they are young."AFN smoke out" my pleasure dude.:tiphat:
Thanks Trap! No matter what I've got Thing 1 who is a full on bush just waiting to budsplode. That's what made me decide to pull the leaves is knowing the risk with Thing 2 I need to make sure I maximize Thing 1's bud production as best I can. So I actually ended up pulling 5 from Thing 1, and 4 from Thing 2 figuring in for a penny in for a pound on Thing 2. I took these pics about 2 hours after the snap once I was finished with pruning. Whatever may come this will be a great learning grow. I'm going to check in before the nights up but I hope your girls are having a better day than mine ;-)

Thing 2

Thing 1
.: Day 31 :.

Not a lot to report today on the plants since I put them in timeout yesterday. I got my bloom nutes today so I'll probably start adding the Big Bloom into the rotation on Friday's watering. The girls look pretty good today considering the abuse they got yesterday, Thing 2 is a little bit droopy, but nothing to worry about, and Thing 1 is looking great.

The pictures I've been taking lately have had the 2100K turned on so they look really washed out and almost yellowish, so today I took pics with the 5k lights I use for the closet itself, and all the growing lights turned off. Hopefully it's a better representation of what they look like. That's about the extent of my excitement :-) Hope you guys are all growing monsters!

Thing 1


Thing 2
Loving the bushiness and density...Great Job, Medi!

Looks like Thing 2 is going to pull through....
Mahalo Trap! I think EoF called it, it's going to knuckle up as if I'd supercropped it, and keep on going, I don't think I'll get supercrop results, but if I get somewhere near an ounce from her I'd be very happy.
Yeah, that'd be nice....for me anyway, an ounce would get me through my next grow...:)
.: Day 34 :.

Still not a lot to report they're coming along well in terms of bud sites, but not much progress on budding. Thing 2 has recovered quite nicely and some of her bud sites are climbing in response to the raising of the lights to around 16". I'm hoping this will cause some stretching that will allow me to spread them out more before budding. They have changed in the last week to requiring water every 2 days so I can tell they're ramping up for something. They got a dose of molasses water at PH 7. Thursday they got some Epsom Salt, BB, TB, and Dynagro. Will probably start reducing the Dynagro over the next few feedings and then cut it out altogether. My new LED gets here on Monday so that will be a welcome sight. I tentatively plan on cutting out the CFL I'm currently using for heat once I have both of the LEDs in there.

Something interesting I noticed today. I have both of my lights, the 125w CFL, as well as the LED plugged into the timer, then through the power meter. With this setup I am pulling 325w of power. If the 125w CFL is only 125w then how is the LED pulling that much? Haven't figured it out yet. Well that's about all I got for now. Hope you all are having good grows.

The addition of the new LED is going to be just in time....they look to have a pretty good spread so far, and that light is going to kick flowering into overdrive.
Can't wait to see the progress once that's hung :)