New Grower Medi's Medical grow

Looking good medi great job on the scrog! Iv never done one but it really looks like it's gonna improve yield quite a bit definitely looking for to watching them fill out :thumbs:
Thanks buddy! I sure hope it does improve yield, If I could get 50 grams from each that would take care of what I need for about 9 months. Everything after that would pretty much be for variety and the enjoyment of growing.
The Scrog looks to be working out really well....I took the leap the last couple days and did some pruning like EoF was commenting on....:)
Thats kind of a large leap man..?for newer growers thats not usually a grand idea to be honest.its easy yes,but not the easiest if ya have issues.Tuck em,or maybe box the smaller ones."My 2 cents" :smoke:
That scrog is coming on nice mate. Really going to have to try that at some point.
I was too nervous to trim any leaves. I did a lot of tucking and I used lst to tie down some branches to allow light to more viable sites.
Thanks everyone! To be honest tucking is working fairly well so far, the only downside is it's driving me crazy when the leaves pop back up several hours later :-) There are worse issues to say the least.
That is a pain, on the plus side it's reassuring the plant is responding that quickly. As you said, worse things can happen!
And the ones that pop back up you either have to keep popping em down or pull em.Ive pulled em n that works great,you just have to keep tucking them.its a pain but once the flowers spin up more in a couple weeks er so I think you'll say,YUP worth it.maybe small buds, but buds anyway verses long stringy'll know what I mean later in your grow bro.looking fantastic though dude.:pass:
Well tucking vs pulling is now the absolute least of my worries. As I was trying to navigate around this gods forsaken scrog net to water my girls I had to spin the pots a little to get in to all the spots. I forgot I had done that and forgot to spin them back into their proper position so when I went to move the top through one hole and out another I heard a POP sound..... Long story short there is a tear along the wall of the main stem. I immediately grabbed my duct tape and taped it back closed, but I feel like it could go either way, it isn't even 50% torn through, I'd say about 15% or so maybe 20. That's Thing 2, which luckily is the string bean of the two. So the next 48 hours should be a fun nail biting time. I'm seriously considering pruning Thing 1 in the next couple of days.

So EOF, what technique do you use? Do you literally pull(pinch) the fan leaves off, or do you cut? I've heard as well as seen it done both ways. Oh, and I totally know what you mean about stringy buds, I did a few photo grows in my 20s that were almost entirely stringy and fox tailed embarrassments.

Well, that is all I have the heart to post for today. Hope you're all having a good growth day :-)
Oh man,that really sucks.Ive bent n creased one once n it was basically broke and made a splint outta twisty ties and a couple small branches and just left it till the stem started to grow slightly around n bulging at the wires and then I let it go and after a few weeks it had a nice knuckle around it.

As for removing Leaves I often will pinch n use my thumb nail to cut if ya can clip em if its easier.but you can also Box cut(square cut the sun leaves)if you have removed enough n dont wanna remove any more,you could prolly box a couple as well.but with autos I never remove more that four or six at a time.Photos are way different.But I would remove say four(the tucking challenged ones)and box two...?your call ,but make sure your clippers are wiped n cleaned with alc pads er somethin similar.pest free n lower RH(30-40%) will lend to a nice recovery imo.Man I hope that plant comes through it."AFN smoke out"