New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

so many buds man!! :bow:

So much buds bro! Still very pleased, but ive seen the way overfeeding N a little late in the game can affect bud density negatively on the Dr Feelgood, it's exactly the same thing that happened with Critical Cheese where the weights look more than they are.

Still the buds are very nice but I think with a few extra days she has the potential to deliver a little more yeilds on a lighter feed as despite her large size she definitely doesn't like the same level as the NL and WW.
Only time will tell but either way, I'm both annoyed that my plants are finishing so close together and also absolutely delighted :crying:
Looking fantastic as ever.

Great work on the NL too, as you say it's rare to see any finishing under 100 days - which makes me wonder what the point of the auto variety even is!? Great to see you've got one going that's within the realms of a 'normal' timeline.
Also what are you going to be running through the bags? I was thinking i might have a little hash making session on Saturday myself. Got a fair old bit of trim to process but it'll be a mixed bag for the most part... I might just run all my Pineapple Express buds through it too as I'm not happy with the potency on the flower. :hookah:
yeah these ladies do look fantastic, really got a lot dialled in this past few months Medi and the girls show it.

when i was knee deep in researching before i started to grow, NL was the number 1 recommended beginner strain across most websites, which is why i assumed we see quite a few of them. i think that might hold true with photoperiods but not so with autos, and with the variety of breeders putting out a auto versions of NL, GG, WW and other mainstay strains it can be tough to keep up with who's are good and who's are not.

@NiceOption you ain't short of flower bro, if it's not top-shelf after the harvest you just had, it aint worth the glass you keep it in :thumbsup:
yeah these ladies do look fantastic, really got a lot dialled in this past few months Medi and the girls show it.

when i was knee deep in researching before i started to grow, NL was the number 1 recommended beginner strain across most websites, which is why i assumed we see quite a few of them. i think that might hold true with photoperiods but not so with autos, and with the variety of breeders putting out a auto versions of NL, GG, WW and other mainstay strains it can be tough to keep up with who's are good and who's are not.

@NiceOption you ain't short of flower bro, if it's not top-shelf after the harvest you just had, it aint worth the glass you keep it in :thumbsup:
Haha thanks man, I tend to agree! Hard to keep my hands off the 4AM at the moment and I've not touched the Pineapple Express in months, might as well put it to some use. It's very tasty just not very potent. Not really sure what went wrong but nor am I that bothered. Could be some very tasty tropical hash or could just be a pile of brown guff, no real waste either way tbh.
Sorry to pester Medi, but how do you do with your security surrounding instagram? Do you have multi device VPN? If so, any recommendations? I'd like to start one myself but a bit concerned about opening myself up to unwanted attention...
Also what are you going to be running through the bags? I was thinking i might have a little hash making session on Saturday myself. Got a fair old bit of trim to process but it'll be a mixed bag for the most part... I might just run all my Pineapple Express buds through it too as I'm not happy with the potency on the flower. :hookah:

I'll be running the first crappy blueberry crop, all the trim from the Critical Cheese, the 2nd Blueberry, the WW the NL and the Dr Feelgood along with all the crappier popcorn from all the crops to date along with about 6 months of saved up stem and leaf from my smoke. So I have quite a bit of material to run, and I will be mixing it all up together besides for the planty first grade.

Hopefully I will get a huge amount of great bubble dude, and all I have to wait is another couple days for the Dr Feelgood to finish and then I should have some real special blend and a fair amount of it too!

So excited as I grew up smoking only the best hash and since moving to England I have only seen petrol hash/soap bar
Sorry to pester Medi, but how do you do with your security surrounding instagram? Do you have multi device VPN? If so, any recommendations? I'd like to start one myself but a bit concerned about opening myself up to unwanted attention...

So in terms of online security and posting there are varying schools of thought.
Some with the personal grow like us in the UK don't see any point in more than the standard data protection security that we all should practice online no matter what your doing as the police do not actively look online for small personal grows and definitely would not expend the money required to actually bust you. Under that pretence, as long as you post carefully and without giving too much information you should be fine when taking a grow under 9 flowering plants at a time.

If you had any more than that it's just not a good idea to post as it's less about them finding you by your posts, and more that it is used in evidence against you.

But additional security is always advised, particularly if you're more worried about being robbed by people rather than police which is my concern as I've heard of people being robbed but not busted as a small grower in my area.

I have a VPN that works off like a proxy network, and for sites that allow it I also access through the Tor network if I don't have to post and the site allows it but I s also a little obscure and I obtained it through cryptocurrency trading and it'll be more of a hindrance than help for you I think.

Another decent one that is part of the Tor group (great and consistent internet security too, besides the maintenance of tor network) is OrFox and I believe they offer a device VPN/internet protection.

Otherwise a lot of antiviral software developers have good device VPN.

Because my Instagram is so small ATM I only use minor protection, however should I actually get more followers than @Froot n Fuel (the only one ATM lol) the I would definitely start being more careful as it goes under scrutiny.