New Grower Medimadness’ rotating garden of lunacy.

Okay guys this is it!
Greta day 75 and she’s ready for the flush with amber in the zone of 25-50%, hopefully it will be the heavy space-out weed i’m looking for by the time the flush is through though from what the microscope is telling me i could have started the flush maybe 2 days ago if i had looked a little closer lol
Either way i’m happy with how she’s turned out and i should get quite a bit of lovely fruity/sweet/minty cheese as she smells
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Tilda is now 61 days old and still hasn’t stretched much. However she is putting on far more weight and density than Val ever did by this age. She still has a few weeks left but if i’m honest she isn’t the biggest of plants despite the vast root system and extremely strong and woody stems

Broomehilda day 49 in soil and she is really starting to take off. She has bushed out wonderfully and has had her last defoliation besides maybe a small nip and tuck. Lower bud sites were removed.

Amelia day 40 in soil and she is really taking off. The upward stretch hasn’t begun and she has had a light defoliation. Lower bud sites removed.
Looking great

Augusta day 32 in soil and entering into bloom already. She is bushing out nicely and recovered from a split stem i repaired with string, stake and vaseline as i had run out of tape.View attachment 993183
Ladies looking fantastic as always. Congrats on your new gear and your harvest! I’m excited for all the additions you plan for your tent. Sounds like lots of fun. :d5:
Hey AFN,
Happy New Year and a very happy one for me with a payoff for my efforts coming very soon on its way!
Absolutely loving the new tent and really starting to come to grips with everything that I was lacking on like feeding and organisation. Everyone is coming on amazingly!

First off we have Greta day 78 in soil and day 3 receiving no nutrients besides pH’d water and small concentrations of TopMax and Alg-a-mic. She is so nearly there i can nearly taste her.
I took of one of her lower smaller buds and dried it hung near a radiator over

a day or 2 and popped it in my vaporizer and it was very nice. pretty decent aroma even dried like that and very couchlock potent though it did have a little dizziness that i’m sure will cure out nicely.
Looking forward to chopping her down though tinged with a little sadness since shes been so fun to grow. I’m definitely going to be replicating her training on one of the Candy Dawgs for the Seedstockers Grow Battle!

Next we have Tilda, day 64 in soil and really coming along now. She is starting to fatten up very nicely and while she is a pretty squat plant she is also very dense!
Her aroma is much more pungent and she has some dark pruple and dark blueish tones coming through and i’m pretty pleased with her!
I don’t think i will be going with Zamnesia’s blueberry auto again though, so far i’ve found them to be a little testy and I picked blueberry for ease of growing as well as it’s medical benefits i’m looking for and will probably try Dope Seeds version st some point.

And here’s one of her more developed buds so far.
Next we have Broomehilda day 52 in soil and the stretch is well under way with fine development.
She’s throwing out a lot of pistils and has been switched onto a full bloom ratio mix and thriving on it.
Since switching to Alg-a-mic for Calmag source the plants have been flourishing, particuarly her.
She has had her last defoliation now to open her up and i think she’s looking great!

And we have Amelia, my current favourite plant that is 43 days old and soaring above the others already!
She is so fast growing and now well into flower with plenty of pistils and the stretch well and truly underway. I’m just in love with this plant!

Last but not least we have Augusta who seems to be running ahead of everyone else and coming into flower already at day 35 in soil.
She is putting out loads of pistils and is developing well after being completely unphased by a split stem.
She is drinking way more than any other plant besides Amelia at this age!

We also have some Thai Basil seeds coming on with a few sprouts in the propagator.
Greta's a beast! Those cola's are insane. I hadn't really seen how hefty they were from the other pics.

Very nice!

Yeah man while her colas arent the fattest, they are so dense and sticky that after any movement i have to pull all the colas apart because they’re so heavy and sticky which is a pain in a very good way. From appearances it looks like yields of top quality bud will be over an ounce at least but i don’t want to get my hopes too high. I’d rather have more than less yanno.

i am actually very surprised to see that she seems to be doing the majority of the like secondary/less essential fattening up at the flush stage which lots of people told me would happen when i switched her off the Nutes but i think may have underestimated exactly what a flush does for a plant beyond making sure buds are clean! To think the amount of people i’ve seen who skip the extra 2 weeks, are it’s clear to me now that the last few weeks are some of the most important in terms of getting the smoke you want!

I haven’t been around your thread recently coz of the busy time but i will pop over soon :bighug:
@Iriee Vibez Sadly with Val or Blue 1 or whatever i didn’t realised my mistakes with feeding till it was too late. I had completely cut out bio-grow, was only giving small amounts of bloom and by the time she even showed any clear deficiency signs we had stretched her buds out into wispy crap so she’s dry and curing now but only any good for cooking.
I’m going to be turning her into 4 uber potent gummies (in terms of viable material for my ridiculous tolerance (30-100mg ingested, and yes i know that is insane but i want to get more than a little high all day that’s what’s needed. That’s what happens when you starting smoking as a stupid kid and even breaks from the stuff don’t seem to reduce tolerance noticeably)

A bit of a shame however i feel that fucking her up was the best lesson on growin i could have had. As a horticulture student it’s easy to think you know everything about plants when you really don’t and that brought down my overconfidence and made me reassess my growing techniques especially feeding and defol and stop cutting corners on feed so i am actually glad that she turned out so poorly if that’s makes sense
It does make sense, Medi, but still blows! The great thing is that you didn't have to pop beans after that first harvest. Thank goodness for perpetual gardens, man. I am glad those issues are a thing of the past with your current plants, though!

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It does make sense, Medi, but still blows! The great thing is that you didn't have to pop beans after that first harvest. Thank goodness for perpetual gardens, man. I am glad those issues are a thing of the past with your current plants, though!

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Believe me, so am i. It was basically most part due to my anxiety which is one of the reasons i’m growing my own and i let my anxiety get the better of me with her and i messed up all the while treating everyone well. The mind is a mysterious thing, at least mine definitely is.

Plus i forgot to mention that i did have a small case of yellow leaf sephora in early bloom with her and i think it took more of a toll than i realised.

Since then i’ve learnt to not make decisions about my plants when i’m feeling anxious or stressed and at least for me, that’s been a solid decision.

Thanks for taking an interest and the kind words, the AFN vibe definitely helps motivate me to keep improving, even if to feed my ego haha :d5::crying: