DAY 42
pH 6.2
EC 1.28
It seems I was wrong. It seems that we are entering into that phase already where these babies are sucking the solution up like crazy and seem to prefer a bit more water than anything else. So we can observe the raised EC. Ca -issues have gotten further and I now see more tissue damage on further up the leaves. I had good consultation from
@Waira and
@RemoNutrients so thank you for your time guys. I know you both are busy so it is well appriciated!
My thoughts about the Remo Nutrients so far:
+ I've seen massive development of the plants and just couple of weeks and equal, if not even better, early budsite development that I had with AN -line.
+ When I think about the costs of these nutrients compared to the competition keeping mind the results, yeah. That makes me smile.
+ Simple and easy feeding to follow.
- I find the low pH to be a bit of a pain in my garden. I know this might not be an issue for most people but in my circumstances it is.
- Ca -issues that follows the low pH. I've used MagNifiCal already along (although not with the full strenght) with the feed and still I got these issues. I am sure it is part because I use my regular LED light and ran it tad too close. I am not sure but I have a hunch that also the rapid growth these nutes have caused has put additional toll to the plant in regards of Ca and Mg uptake. At this stage plants tend to need more Ca so in that sense, no wonder I've been having those issues.
++ Despite my issues with pH and Ca -defiency, I see there is no stopping these babies from roaming around my closet. They are energized, and otherwise healthy and happy. Circumstances with my garden can be demanding and I am certain these issues are due to my inexperience with this nutrient line and are therefore, grower related. Let's get them to be pretty for the better part of the blooming, shall we?
Cooked up a topup for the reservoir today:
7 litres of water @ 0.13 EC
15ml MagNifiCal <--- Bumbed up to combat Ca -defiency. I plan to keep this rate up for a week or so and hope the issues will halt
10ml MICRO
10ml BLOOM
10ml Nature's Candy
10ml VeloKelp
Used pH up to adjust the pH to 6.2, EC rests at 1.06. Adding that to the reservoir should dilute the solution down from it's elevated position. Later today I take another measurement to see where it rests and I may update it to this post. -->
UPDATE: pH settled to 6.2 and EC to 1.22
Ca -issue:
Ca- issue:
Stem: (it is getting strong!)