Nutrients MedGrower does Remo Nutrients (DWC/GN lights/DutchPassion AWW)

DAY 45

pH 6.1
EC 1.16

Feed for 21 litres of water
MagNifiCal 45ml
Micro 30ml
Bloom 30ml
AstroFlower 15ml
Nature's Candy 30ml
VeloKelp 30ml

Adjusted the feed to tackle the issue I've been having with Ca -defiencies. It still seems to be going on to a degree or another. Since I have had significant amounts of CM in my feed and the pH has been staying stable at optimal range for best CM absorption, I think I have done everything that is reasonable to fight this issue and I believe it is going to just get better from here.

Adjustments I made was: While I give overall 68% of the feed strength, because in DWC the demands are not as high, I boosted the MagNiFical to 100% recommended dosage and slashed the AstroFlower application to half the recommended. My thinking is that all that potassium in Astro Flower, while it might be optimal for soil, it might just simply be too much in hydroponics and is a potential antagonist for CM, if applied in excess.

I calculated estimation of the NPK at this feed ratio and it should be 6-6-11. That lands it closer to the NPK ratio I had with AN Nutrients, that was 7-6-15. Boosted MagNifiCal adds up the N -ratio but I see it still is alright when compared to AN's NPK ratios. And that is ratio calculated without their CalMag Xtra -supplement that actually is 4-0-0 from it's NPK values. As @Waira pointed it out though, we are having some signs of N toxicity with the leaf tips curling down. Nah. I'll just go along with the issue as there ain't nothing I can really do about it.

I see there are plenty of budsites opening, we have pretty good light penetration and airflow going in the garden space and for day 45 these budlings are developing pretty good considering there has only been 180w of LED on them.


Topview: (Had a little string go through the side there to support the brances when they grow another 5cm. Looks little funny ATM.
AWW D45 top.JPG

Budlings: They are starting to get some body now.
AWW D45 bud01 alt.JPG

Some others are staying a bit smaller with shorter white pistils. This is happening with the right one.
AWW D45 bud03.JPG

Left plants bud; Bit more airy and larger with long pistils
AWW D45 bud04.JPG

Right plants bud; More dense with short pistils and we can see some frosting
AWW D45 bud05.JPG

Rootzone: Healthy and strong. I am pretty sure that tanning is from VeloKelp.

AWW D45 rootzone.JPG
DAY 45

pH 6.1
EC 1.16

Feed for 21 litres of water
MagNifiCal 45ml
Micro 30ml
Bloom 30ml
AstroFlower 15ml
Nature's Candy 30ml
VeloKelp 30ml

Adjusted the feed to tackle the issue I've been having with Ca -defiencies. It still seems to be going on to a degree or another. Since I have had significant amounts of CM in my feed and the pH has been staying stable at optimal range for best CM absorption, I think I have done everything that is reasonable to fight this issue and I believe it is going to just get better from here.

Adjustments I made was: While I give overall 68% of the feed strength, because in DWC the demands are not as high, I boosted the MagNiFical to 100% recommended dosage and slashed the AstroFlower application to half the recommended. My thinking is that all that potassium in Astro Flower, while it might be optimal for soil, it might just simply be too much in hydroponics and is a potential antagonist for CM, if applied in excess.

I calculated estimation of the NPK at this feed ratio and it should be 6-6-11. That lands it closer to the NPK ratio I had with AN Nutrients, that was 7-6-15. Boosted MagNifiCal adds up the N -ratio but I see it still is alright when compared to AN's NPK ratios. And that is ratio calculated without their CalMag Xtra -supplement that actually is 4-0-0 from it's NPK values. As @Waira pointed it out though, we are having some signs of N toxicity with the leaf tips curling down. Nah. I'll just go along with the issue as there ain't nothing I can really do about it.

I see there are plenty of budsites opening, we have pretty good light penetration and airflow going in the garden space and for day 45 these budlings are developing pretty good considering there has only been 180w of LED on them.


Topview: (Had a little string go through the side there to support the brances when they grow another 5cm. Looks little funny ATM.
View attachment 670421

Budlings: They are starting to get some body now.
View attachment 670416

Some others are staying a bit smaller with shorter white pistils. This is happening with the right one.
View attachment 670417

Left plants bud; Bit more airy and larger with long pistils
View attachment 670418

Right plants bud; More dense with short pistils and we can see some frosting
View attachment 670419

Rootzone: Healthy and strong. I am pretty sure that tanning is from VeloKelp.

View attachment 670420

You're right with the tanning. The humic and fulvic in Velokelp causes the discoloration. This is totally normal...

DAY 50

pH 6.1
EC 1.17

I've had to do top ups of 7 litres once every other day now. I use the same feed schedule that I gave in day 45. Ph and EC are staying wonderfully stable and I am happy to see that. Ca -issues persist to a little degree still but it doesn't seem to matter too much. I just remove the worst affected away from shading the buds and good leaves that would do better job with photosynthesis not being all spotty and gritty. Vertical growth has halted and the girls are now around 74cm tall. Now the budlings are pushing volume. I am going to add HS1 to the mix together with MS0006 at the weekend so after that we are going to have 255w of LED power.

Judging from the stage these plants are going on now, I am thinking these are going to clock some 90+ days total at this rate.


AWW D50 top.JPG

AWW D50 bud01.JPG

AWW D50 bud02.JPG

AWW D50 bud03.JPG

DAY 56

pH 6.2
EC 1.16

Values are remaining very stable without need of adjusting. I might be having Ca -issues with these babies but they are pushing bud really good now so I cannot really complain. I only wish I would be able to get some Optic Foliar so I could have a change to fix the CM issues since it seems it is too late to add extra Ca and so on to make any meaningful impact. I am already having 0.4 EC worth of MagNifiCal in my feed where I usually ever bump up the EC 0.2 to 0.3 with CM products.

--> For my next grow I definately know now to just go really with a high dose of MagNifiCal and keep it there! I think this is one thing we could think for DWC & LED with Remo Nutrients to keep in mind.

Overall I really like the results I am seeing and it is looking really promising. I don't often see so huge and thick bud in my garden at this stage so I am eager to see where it goes from here.


AWW D56 topview.JPG

AWW D56 closeup.JPG

AWW D56 Bud01.JPG

AWW D56 Bud02.JPG

AWW D56 Bud03.JPG

Hey @MedGrower im loving this journal and your level of detail is great, plants are looking good- the remo nutrients look like a great line- and their rep seems like a cool and helpful guy.
I also get the ph droping in early- mid veg period and i use ghe 3 part.
It always happens in dwc but i also grow in a wilma system. (Drip fed through hydroton in a recirculated res) and it doesnt happen in this system. And the roots dont touch the res in this system so i think its some sort of reaction with the roots uptake.
So after all that rambling ive got no useful information :crying:
Looking forward to them filling out
Thank you @sanguine ! That is very nice of you and I am really happy to hear your confirmation on the issue of lowering pH at mid-veg period. I have been thinking like is it just me and my garden that is doing this always..
DAY 63 (that's yesterday)

pH 6.2
EC 1.16

Buds are swelling. Some of the buds are about the biggest I've managed to ever get in my setup. I know it is partly due to the strain, but goes to show that Remo Nutrients are delivering what they promise. Despite the CM issues I've been having the results are so far really nice. I've been using MS0006 and HS1 both at the same time now and switching out some modules from MS0006 to just have a little bit of light variation for the plants in order to give them little breaks from the most intense periods of lights due to their problems with Ca. So the total wattage really has been between 195w to 255w.


AWW D63 upright.JPG

AWW D63 side.JPG

AWW D63 bud02.JPG

AWW D63 bud01.JPG
DAY 66

pH 6.2
EC 1.0

New feed for the final weeks (21 litres)
Micro 30ml
Bloom 30ml
Astroflower 30ml
Nature's Candy 30ml

I skipped the MagNifiCal totally for now since the CM thing seems alright. I don't want to feed too much of magnesium during these final days and it seems the need for all nutrients is getting much lower. I'll stick with EC 1.0 and see how it goes. I am already satisfied with the results and going to secure myself more of these Remo Nutrients for future grows through the 2017.


AWW D66 overview.JPG

AWW D66 Bud01.JPG

AWW D66 buds.JPG
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