Nutrients MedGrower does Remo Nutrients (DWC/GN lights/DutchPassion AWW)

@smerkey I would advice taking that issue to the Autoflower Infirmary for Sick Plants ( where true experts like @Waira could give you a lot better help.

My 2 cents on the issue of falling pH at that late stage plant is to suspect some issue with roots. Have you taken a look into the rootzone and does it look all nice and white down there? If not, you might have some developing rootrot. In that case I would advice giving her a good dose of Cannazyme and some good benefial bacteria product such as AN's Voodoo Juice.

Did you take the picture of these plants just before the lights are going to go out? I see a lot of leaves in a bit droopy side leading me to suspect they have a slight nitrogen toxicity also. That compined with that twisted crummy leaves you had there might be part of that too?
Thank you bro just what you've said will help me big time your a star [emoji106][emoji1][emoji1]

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Thank you bro just what you've said will help me big time your a star [emoji106][emoji1][emoji1]

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You're welcome bro. Happy to help :pass:
Quick update: 12h has passed as I last checked and adjusted the pH and it had fallen to 5.8 from the set 6.2. That is -0.4 in just 12 hours and I think it is a lot. However, again, I've seen this same thing happening at the middle to end of vegetative cycle before so nothing unusual there. @RemoNutrients might you have any wisdom to share about how and why this might be happening to me at this stage? It is definately not root rot or anything; I use beneficial bacteria and enzymes, the temperatures of the reservoir are in good levels and the roots are nice and white.

This problem will persist for a week or two and then just go away just as mysteriously as it comes. As I took sample from the reservoir now I looked at the leaves and they are seem really happy and perky! That definately tells me they are loving these nutes.
DAY 26 - quick update

pH 6.1
EC 1.03

It is a good day. pH has stayed stable at 6.1 so after the initial fluctuation it seems to balance out. EC has fallen by -0.02. That is in the level of measurement uncertainty of +/-2% so I can say she is on the golden zone with the nutrient amounts. These babies have grown good in just two days and continue getting stronger. I plan to do day 30 update with pictures so you can see the progression.
Hi Med,

Honestly, I have no explanation for the initial pH drop. Without knowing which additional products were added, I can only assume that it was one of the following:

- Uncatalyzed pH buffering
- The nutrient solution had settled and just needs to be stirred
- Your pH pen needs to be re-calibrated

I mean no imposition, these are just the most likely explanations for this happening.

Hope that helps,

Hi Med,

Honestly, I have no explanation for the initial pH drop. Without knowing which additional products were added, I can only assume that it was one of the following:

- Uncatalyzed pH buffering
- The nutrient solution had settled and just needs to be stirred
- Your pH pen needs to be re-calibrated

I mean no imposition, these are just the most likely explanations for this happening.

Hope that helps,


Oh shoot @MedGrower ,

I just noticed you're using DWC. Please disregard number 2 as you're not using a mixing res.

You will need to scale back the nutrients when using DWC. You can run them at full strength but depending on the strain, they can run a little hot sometimes. DWC is the only method where we've seen a need to modify our feed suggestion. You can go as low as 60% strength and still get good results. As for pH, 5.8-6.3 is optimal.

Sorry about the late reply, I've been traveling on business until today
Hi Med,

Honestly, I have no explanation for the initial pH drop. Without knowing which additional products were added, I can only assume that it was one of the following:

- Uncatalyzed pH buffering
- The nutrient solution had settled and just needs to be stirred
- Your pH pen needs to be re-calibrated

I mean no imposition, these are just the most likely explanations for this happening.

Hope that helps,


Hello Remo! I know you are a nice guy and do not mean nothing bad by stating these likely explanations for why the pH might be acting up in my reservoir so do not worry. That being said, I have stated all what I have added to the reservoir and that I check my pH with two separate pH probes and with a chemical test if my pH is suddenly off the usual expected. I had also stated that this thing has happened now with 3 different, reputable nutrient lines and it only happens at this stage for just a week or so and then just goes away just as mysteriously as it appeared. This phenomenon has kept me wondering for years now and I just thought to ask if you might have a thought about it. I won't hold it against you if you, as it seems, don't know.

I scaled back the nutes to about 66% from what was adviced and it seemed to settle straight to the golden zone. In fact I took a reading today after I came back home from work and the EC had fallen a tad; Now it is at 1.01. Also the pH had settled at 6.2. so all good. I am really liking this so far!

Note that only additional products I am using are benefial bacteria and enzymes in order to ensure the rootzone stays safe from unwanted bacteria, rot etc. since in DWC I wouldn't have the benefits of what regular soil can provide for the roots.
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It seems like you're an experienced grower and I didn't want to insult you. I'm glad you had the foresight to scale back the concentrations. We made the recommendations on our calculator to apply to the most amount of growing styles possible. That being said, because you're growing directly in the nutrient solution, DWC has always been the most finnicky. We are currently researching a DWC feed schedule and will be coming out with a tab option on our calculator to account for this.

I hope everything is working out for you and don't hesitate to PM me if you have any specific questions,

Hope that helps,


It seems like you're an experienced grower and I didn't want to insult you. I'm glad you had the foresight to scale back the concentrations. We made the recommendations on our calculator to apply to the most amount of growing styles possible. That being said, because you're growing directly in the nutrient solution, DWC has always been the most finnicky. We are currently researching a DWC feed schedule and will be coming out with a tab option on our calculator to account for this.

I hope everything is working out for you and don't hesitate to PM me if you have any specific questions,

Hope that helps,


Thank you for your compliments and thoughtfulness @RemoNutrients ! Yeah that is part why I really wanted to do DWC grow with your nutrients. If it helps you at all, I can release the complete feed schedule used in this grow and take some remarks out of that. I would think you are really busy with things so I don't hold it against you if you cannot keep up with my growdiary here but I actually gave you props for such an honest feed schedule as I do see those numbers must actually work as such. I've seen too many nutrient companies way overstate those numbers in order to drive up sales as people overfeed their plants. So I really do appriciate that kind of honesty and I bet that is going to benefit you greatly.

Also I see your strategy for markets as really excellent one and I really hope you get a good market penetration for these larger commercial growers who obviously have to compete in ever tougher marketplace with pricing and calculate those costs down as much as they reasonably can. It is a very wise move to make as a nutrient manufacturer, in my opinion. Even for me that is a major factor and it surely appeals when I have to calculate how much I have left for food after shopping in the garden store :thumbsup: