Nutrients MedGrower does Remo Nutrients (DWC/GN lights/DutchPassion AWW)

Thank you for your compliments and thoughtfulness @RemoNutrients ! Yeah that is part why I really wanted to do DWC grow with your nutrients. If it helps you at all, I can release the complete feed schedule used in this grow and take some remarks out of that. I would think you are really busy with things so I don't hold it against you if you cannot keep up with my growdiary here but I actually gave you props for such an honest feed schedule as I do see those numbers must actually work as such. I've seen too many nutrient companies way overstate those numbers in order to drive up sales as people overfeed their plants. So I really do appriciate that kind of honesty and I bet that is going to benefit you greatly.

Also I see your strategy for markets as really excellent one and I really hope you get a good market penetration for these larger commercial growers who obviously have to compete in ever tougher marketplace with pricing and calculate those costs down as much as they reasonably can. It is a very wise move to make as a nutrient manufacturer, in my opinion. Even for me that is a major factor and it surely appeals when I have to calculate how much I have left for food after shopping in the garden store :thumbsup:
Any and all insight is much appreciated. It seems like, at this time, our standardized recommendation is 60% strength across the board with the same progression but this is also simplified logic. If you're able to provide some recommendations, we can cross reference them with our findings and come up with a more specialized feed program.

Thank you for the offer. We count on growers like yourself to give us feedback so that our recommendations reflect the needs of the people using our products, not just what we find in house.

Loving this thread I will start a remo journal once i have full line wouldn't be complete without all the products I'm using the autopot watering system and things seem to b going great haven't paid much attention to ph things are looking lovely...

Ps the girls love magnifical [emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]

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Ok. Based on our discussion on the feed strength what @RemoNutrients recommended as a starting point for me to try out is 60% feed strength. I have incorporated that to my feed schedule now. I will try to go around with that and keep monitoring the EC. I think it might be difficult to really set any standard for DWC feed as each strain and growing conditions does affect the overall uptake. That being said, this is going to be true to only my grow with AutoWhiteWidow at this time of the year in my little closet garden. :biggrin:

I would love to share this handy spreadsheet calculator with you guys I made in Open Office. But as you cannot upload .odt -files in this forum (I assume because of security reasons) I will just share the image from it as I planned my feeding schedule. This may be modified according to how my experience is but it is basicly Remo Nutrients feeding chart adjusted to 60% strenght for DWC as advised. You can see my calculations of total EC of the solution together with the hardness of my local watersource. Note that values are per litre, not gallon. I plan to just round those number up to the closest full one as I apply the feed.

Remo 60 feed.png
Ok. Based on our discussion on the feed strength what @RemoNutrients recommended as a starting point for me to try out is 60% feed strength. I have incorporated that to my feed schedule now. I will try to go around with that and keep monitoring the EC. I think it might be difficult to really set any standard for DWC feed as each strain and growing conditions does affect the overall uptake. That being said, this is going to be true to only my grow with AutoWhiteWidow at this time of the year in my little closet garden. [emoji3]

I would love to share this handy spreadsheet calculator with you guys I made in Open Office. But as you cannot upload .odt -files in this forum (I assume because of security reasons) I will just share the image from it as I planned my feeding schedule. This may be modified according to how my experience is but it is basicly Remo Nutrients feeding chart adjusted to 60% strenght for DWC as advised. You can see my calculations of total EC of the solution together with the hardness of my local watersource. Note that values are per litre, not gallon. I plan to just round those number up to the closest full one as I apply the feed.

View attachment 662450
Great info I'm loving the chart

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DAY 30

I noticed that the pH had come up to 6.4 while EC had continued it's decline to 0.98. As I initially set the feed as 1.05 and I see it has gone down that much in just some days it is a clear sign the feed was in fact a bit too weak. I also took note that the plants are starting to consume noticable amount of solution from the reservoir so it would be wise to start doing top ups.

I remedied the situation with adding a bucketful of fresh solution with following feed:
Water @ EC 0.12 (7 litres)
MICRO 12ml
GROW 12ml
MagNifiCal 10ml
VeloKelp 10ml
Nature's Candy 15ml
(--> values of the top up feed @ pH 6.0 / EC 1.28)

After adding the solution to the reservoir and carefully stirring it up and letting it settle for some time, I got the following values for the reservoir:

pH 6.1
EC 1.08

I am going to switch over to bloom feed on the weekend and I will aim it to be around EC 1.2. I can clearly see both from these readings and visually that these girls are loving the nutrients. I can see nice preflowers developing by now and we are definately entering into the streching phase. Next up pictures; I like how they have made progress in 5 days compared to the pictures I provided there at the beginning of this grow journal. Left one is getting at a good level in comparison thanks to some LST I've done for the right one in hopes of developing pretty much even canopy.


Top view:
AWW D30 top1.JPG

AWW D30 sideshot.JPG

Sideview closeup (left)
AWW D30 left.JPG

Sideview closeup (right)
AWW D30 right.JPG
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DAY 32

I know I just made an update but as I changed the reservoir for bloom nutes I thought I made a whole update about it. This time I took a little more wholesome set of pictures to let you guys see what's going on. Stalks are getting more bulky now, they are approx. 1cm thick and that is a good start. I have removed some leaves and even some weaker lower branches off the plant as I can see they are going nowhere and are just in the way of proper airflow and taking up energy.

As I made this feed, it actually set to pH 5.8 even after when let sit overnight in the buckets. So to be on the safe side with the calsium and magnesium uptake, I adjusted the pH to 6.0 as a compromise. There are very tiny hints of Ca -defiency from earlier low pH -scenarios and I wouldn't want to push it at this point. Checked out the rootzone and it seems to have been developed acceptably. Some staining from the nutrients (I suspect that is Velokelp) but that is to be expected. They are happy plants for sure.

Oh, and applied feed was EC 1.28, but the solution got diluted down as it was introduced to the reservoir that already had little of the old solution left to preserve the beneficial bacteria population.

Week 5 bloom feed for 21 litres of water:
Micro 30ml
Bloom 30ml
AstroFlower 30ml
MagNifiCal 15ml
Velokelp 30ml
Nature's Candy 30ml

+ 30ml Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice (a beneficial bacteria product)

EC 1.22
pH 6.0


Top view:
AWW D32 topview.JPG

Side view:
AWW D32 sideshot.JPG

Budling closeup:
AWW D32 budling.JPG

AWW D32 stalk markings.jpg

AWW D32 rootzone.JPG

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DAY 33 - quick update

24h has passed from the application of the feed. Measured the solution and found that the pH had fallen a little and to my amazement, EC had fallen also. This is usually about as high as I go with my EC and even the larger plants haven't had such an appetite. Girls here must love these nutrients a lot and I am thrilled about it.

pH 5.8
EC 1.20

I am going to work that pH back up to 6.2 in steps and keep monitoring the situation. I do these quick updates just to document the measurements I've taken during the weeks and some extra commentary. If this keeps going, I may need to rotate the solution out and adjust the strength of the feed to be a tad stronger.
DAY 32

I know I just made an update but as I changed the reservoir for bloom nutes I thought I made a whole update about it. This time I took a little more wholesome set of pictures to let you guys see what's going on. Stalks are getting more bulky now, they are approx. 1cm thick and that is a good start. I have removed some leaves and even some weaker lower branches off the plant as I can see they are going nowhere and are just in the way of proper airflow and taking up energy.

As I made this feed, it actually set to pH 5.8 even after when let sit overnight in the buckets. So to be on the safe side with the calsium and magnesium uptake, I adjusted the pH to 6.0 as a compromise. There are very tiny hints of Ca -defiency from earlier low pH -scenarios and I wouldn't want to push it at this point. Checked out the rootzone and it seems to have been developed acceptably. Some staining from the nutrients (I suspect that is Velokelp) but that is to be expected. They are happy plants for sure.

Oh, and applied feed was EC 1.28, but the solution got diluted down as it was introduced to the reservoir that already had little of the old solution left to preserve the beneficial bacteria population.

Week 5 bloom feed for 21 litres of water:
Micro 30ml
Bloom 30ml
AstroFlower 30ml
MagNifiCal 15ml
Velokelp 30ml
Nature's Candy 30ml

+ 30ml Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice (a beneficial bacteria product)

EC 1.22
pH 6.0


Top view:
View attachment 663775

Side view:
View attachment 663773

Budling closeup:
View attachment 663771

View attachment 663774

View attachment 663772
So detailed MedGrower, I'm right at day 37 with remo nutes and the autopot system going to bump up my feed just as you did at 30ml's across the board filled up res 2 days ago 15 liters 20 mls now the girls are loving it but one looks a tad hungry
to me the girl on the left looks a tad hungry she has somewhat of a droopy look meanwhile the girl on the left is loving life feeding from the same res

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Going back through my journal i see my ppms were at 440 the last time I filled res going to up to mid 600's mayb low 7's see how the girls react

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DAY 33

As I said before, I tend to get those calsium uptake issues when pH is below 6.0 in my reservoir. For couple of days now the pH have been around 5.8 to 6.0 and just before the light went out I saw some symptoms pretty telling of slight Ca -defiency. I corrected the pH first from 5.8 to 6.0 and now as I saw these symptoms, from 6.0 to 6.2. I also took my lights a bit further up from the plants just to give her a break in case that is just a light burn. These two leaves are on the upper side of the plants. Both plants are affected.

I think I have to but them on regular 12h pH watch again. :stir:

