Extraction Magical Butter Machine

WOW thanks everyone. My MBM2 came in yesterday. All of your input and experience is SO invaluable here. Again thanks to you and to AFN in general.

Sat I will make my first tincture. I have the 190 Everclear. I'll let you know. @SPZ you got to look at this thread.

The heating element gets hotter than the lid setting temp, and can boil off alcohol and/or scorch herb.
I've had alcohol levels drop inside the machine from evaporation even at 130 F.
Add more alcohol if the level drops below the 2 cup mark.
I haven't run everclear before. I hope you will post the process here. Will be great to share. Make sure you have plenty of ventilation!
Just ran another batch of ethanol tincture in my MBM.

I decarbed 40 grams of HSO Blue Dream and 40 grams of good trim wrapped up in a tight package of aluminum foil in the oven for about an hour at 250F.

Afterwards, I threw it all into the MBM with 3 cups of Everclear and ran it for 8 hours at 130F. I let it sit for a day and then ran it with no heat for another two hours. A couple days later I finally had some time to filter and bottle it, and I decided to give it another two hour run just to make sure I got the last of the good stuff out of it.

After it cooled down, I ran it through the MBM filter bag. All the solid buds and shake that I had started with was reduced to total powdery sludge. It was settled at the bottom like sand. After squeezing all the tincture I could out of the sludge, I was left with 500ml of deep emerald tincture. I slowly double boiled this down to exactly 200ml. This was enough for six and a half one ounce dropper bottles.

I haven't tried any of it yet, but I will this weekend and will report back here when I do. I expect this to be super ultra potent, as this is basically three times as strong as the last batch I made and that would give me a solid high from about 5-6 droppers full.
The heating element gets hotter than the lid setting temp, and can boil off alcohol and/or scorch herb.
I've had alcohol levels drop inside the machine from evaporation even at 130 F.
Add more alcohol if the level drops below the 2 cup mark.
OK. So I understand to see if the level maybe low, I will have to remove the lid. Correct?
I haven't run everclear before. I hope you will post the process here. Will be great to share. Make sure you have plenty of ventilation!
I will do just that. I will put the MBM in the garage and open the doors. So I hope that will work.
I have read here that the 190 proof can/does a cause a strong burn. I will try it and see.
Well. ardent is right about one thing, the oven method isn't the best, but it is the best without spending a lot of money just to decarb. I like the Ardent machine, but feel the capacity is too low for my needs. Also, I've found that you get a better decarb, if you dry the weed in the oven first. Low temps won't affect the decarb. I dry @ 180F for 15 minutes, remove the material from the oven, raise the oven temp to 250F then do the decarb run. It may actually be better to run a minute or two longer than 27 minutes, rather than less.

I think 245 is for his stove because it runs hot when it cycles back on. I believe 250 is actually the better temp.
Reduce the time when using alcohol. it doesn't need high temps or a long run, warm alcohol extracts quickly. I now use 130F for 1 hr and the results are the same for final weight of resin.

OK. So I understand to see if the level maybe low, I will have to remove the lid. Correct?
Also, I've found that you get a better decarb, if you dry the weed in the oven first. Low temps won't affect the decarb. I dry @ 180F for 15 minutes, remove the material from the oven, raise the oven temp to 250F then do the decarb run. It may actually be better to run a minute or two longer than 27 minutes, rather than less.
I'm assuming that your comment "dry the weed in the oven first" is because you're using freshly harvested weed. If the trim, larf, buds (or whatever material you're using) has already been fully dried by convention means (paper bags, hanging, etc) then would you still be running a further 15 minute drying cycle in your oven prior to the decard run ???? Thanks.
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All material is dried first.you want as close to zero moister as you can get. Moister evaporating lowers the temp of the material, reducing the effectiveness of the process. Conventionally dried material will still have 20-40% moister.
I'm assuming that your comment "dry the weed in the oven first" is because you're using freshly harvested weed. If the trim, larf, buds (or whatever material you're using) has already been fully dried by convention means (paper bags, hanging, etc) then would you still be running a further 15 minute drying cycle in your oven prior to the debard run ???? Thanks.
Reduce the time when using alcohol. it doesn't need high temps or a long run, warm alcohol extracts quickly. I now use 130F for 1 hr and the results are the same for final weight of resin.
Thanks for your input. My elevation is just over 5000 feet. I read somewhere, perhaps MBM website, to use the 130F for higher altitudes.
Well this is not my first time in listening to you :toke:
So I will do the 130 for an hour.

Do you find the tincture to be too "strong" when you use the Everclear 190? I am going to try it when it is fresh from the MBM and if I find it not to my liking I will manually add some honey to eace usage. I do not "think" it will be good to add honey to the entire batch.

Good to see you around. I spent a number of hours reading your journals. Thanks :thanks: