Live Stoners Live Stoner Eats !!! Let's See what's for Dinner

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I will trade a blood orange for a slider (plus the ability to digest it).

The Torraco Blood orange trees is 5 years old. They have alternate heavy crop years. this is the heavy year and the oranges are a little on the small side but lots of them.

That is awesome. Where are you at? Those don't work too well up here in NY.

Doorbell just ding donged. It was Amazon River Deliver with a new R.O. Buddie 4 stage RO filter. Maybe I shall make some 'Shine...ya never know. Maybe I shall grow some automatic dope of a hydroponic nature...

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
2018 Holiday Cooking

It's been quite hectic at the Bubblestead. Had the family over for the weekend which involves eating. Did some beef tacos with fire roasted tomato and black beans on Friday night, and my honey brined turkey along with a cranberry and orange chutney glazed ham on Saturday. Also made oatmeal cherry cranberry walnut cookies, chocolate chip and some coconut macaroons. I might do some Gizzis later tonight if I'm feeling up to it.

On a side note, Christmas came early this year and I scored two things on my wish list; a 5qt enamel cast iron Dutch Oven and an induction burner!! This is gonna be my new go to crafting station for deep frying, candy making, green butter and isopropyl hash, along with whatever else seems to be appropriate. I can't wait.

For WHATEVER REASON, I did a piss poor job getting photos of everything. There is a few, but I was slacking hard.

Let's go in chronological order. I started with cookies. Made all the dough for the three and put it out on the porch till Friday, which is a great way to have fresh cookies on demand without the headache of making em right then and there. Are you guys using silicone mats or parchment paper like good little elves?

This is what I started with:




Friday night was the fire roasted tomato and black bean tacos. Complete with fresh shredded lettuce, Roma tomatoes, sour cream and shredded sharp yellow cheddar.


I finished the last of the cookies last night while I was doing early Christmas and dinner all at the same time. Here is a little basket of dumplins.

This guy didn't even flinch. Like Christmas just happens. YA GOTTA MAKE IT HAPPEN DOOOOD.

I didn't get any cooking shots of the Saturday Christmas feast except for this one quick plate shot. Clean plates around the table....always a good sign. The honey brined turkey was fucking phenomenal. I just used olive oil, salt and pepper. Did it in a small Pyrex pan, 450° for 18m then 350° for 1½ hours, with the last hour being wrapped up. I made super denk juicy turkey with a crispy skin that was to die for. HIGHLY recommended....not the cheapest way to eat turkey, but there was zero weirdos anywhere, and the whole carcass has been picked clean by the vultures....the ham is gone too. I did this one with a cranberry and orange chutney with some Chinese 5 spice, brown sugar, and a little cider vinegar. The glaze ingredients don't seem to be so critical as long as the viscosity, sugar, and acid are right. The 5 spice has star anise, cinnamon and cloves, so it screams "Put me on some ham." I listened and the 5 spice was right.

Here is my new toys!!!!


I've always heard that animals are like their owners. Well Mr. Felix here is living up to that stereotype. He only eats super high end cat food. I figure if we're gonna eat good, he can too. He turns his nose up at anything less than the best. He also is the only cat I've ever seen that doesn't have a water bowl. His water intake comes strictly from following us into the bathroom where he only drinks running water. I like my water ice cold and still flowing said that cat.

Tried some BBcode at the top, let's see if it works. Happy Festivus y'all.

And HERE is a cookie recipe you can win contests with. Give this a shot if ya dare, they are the definition of perfection.

- 3/4C White Sugar
- 3/4C Packed Brown Sugar
- 3/4C+ Butter (1.5 Sticks + 1T )
- 2 Large Eggs
- 2T Milk
- 1tsp Baking Soda
- 1tsp Baking Powder
- 1tsp Salt
- 1¼ tsp Cinnamon
- 1¼ tsp Vanilla
- 1C A.P. Flour
- 3C Quick Oats
- 1C Walnuts
- 1C Dried Tart Cherries
- 1/2C Craisons or Chocolate Chips

-Cream sugars and butter
-Beat eggs and stir in
-Add remaining dry and wet down to vanilla and stir
-Add flour and stir until mixed
-Add oats one cup at a time and fold them in
-Fold in nuts and cherries

-320°F ON PARCHMENT for about 13-16m depending on size.


THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Dr Bubbs, first off, magnificent spread!!!
2nd....... I think I have your kitty's twin!
RSCN3059 - Copy.JPG
......same straggly white hairs scattered all over too.
Dr Bubbs, first off, magnificent spread!!!
2nd....... I think I have your kitty's twin! View attachment 995770 View attachment 995771......same straggly white hairs scattered all over too.
Aww....what a cutie. Face is a little different, your little monster has a little bigger of a head, and the eyes are a little different. Other than that though, the color is spot on. Not quite true black with little white wisps throughout. It's winter up here in NY (sort's 50° out right now) so Mr Felix has his winter coat on and has been on the Weight Gainer 3000 kick for the last month.

This is my 2nd Kitty and I got him when he was a tiny little guy. I had my first guy who was a boy named Duster Fellowes. He was a gorgeous super nice fat long haired orange cat. Had the most adorable face and I also got him as a micro. About 7 years ago I was in a bad place and living out of a motel for a few months. It was just me, Nurse B and Duster. We do tree work...and the motel people were on to us about having a pet in the motel. I didn't care. But when we went to work, we would bring him with us in the truck. I would put him on a leash for in the truck and tie him up out of the way when we got to the job site. I also had to pick up a worker in the truck on the way out. We get up to the job and this fucking stupid lady from the ghetto is being an idiot. It's not her house. She didn't pay a dime. This job was for her landlord. She didn't even have to be home. She is worried about her fucking grill that is falling apart. We moved it. You won't make it far in the tree biz if you have a habit of smashing stuff. So, I'm dealing with this complete bitch of a woman and my worker dude was getting all impatient in the truck. He jumps out and leaves the door wide open. My kitty disappeared and I never saw him again. I literally stopped that job and went on a week long hunt. We would spend the whole night there walking around shaking his food Tupperware thing. In the heart of the ghetto. Put flyers up EVERYWHERE. I was A MESS. Wandering the streets for miles and miles at all hours of the day and night. Offered a $250 cash reward. Had about 5 people call. Straight losers from the ghetto looking to make some quick cash. They would call and we would speed up there...or already be there. And they would say some shit like, he was here...but he's not now, would you like to buy this cat? He is only $250. How fucking convenient. Get the fuck outta here ya fuckin crackhead dummy. We became famous in this neighborhood....I don't think there was a house there who wasn't aware of the two white kids wandering around looking for their cat. One of the cooler guys up there who genuinely wanted to help us even warned us that people were talking about wanting to rob is and shit. They would of had a nasty surprise because I had a a Glock 9mm Parabellum under my belt and wasn't about to get walked on by some punk. A year later my hard drive failed and I lost my pictures of him. And then on Christmas day last week, my daughter showed me a pic on her phone of Duster. I had a tear roll down my cheek. It still gets me. It took me about 5 years before I finally broke down and got Felix the little black monster. I hate losing things that mean so much. Miss ya Duddy....I tried....SO hard.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
Aww....what a cutie. Face is a little different, your little monster has a little bigger of a head, and the eyes are a little different. Other than that though, the color is spot on. Not quite true black with little white wisps throughout. It's winter up here in NY (sort's 50° out right now) so Mr Felix has his winter coat on and has been on the Weight Gainer 3000 kick for the last month.

This is my 2nd Kitty and I got him when he was a tiny little guy. I had my first guy who was a boy named Duster Fellowes. He was a gorgeous super nice fat long haired orange cat. Had the most adorable face and I also got him as a micro. About 7 years ago I was in a bad place and living out of a motel for a few months. It was just me, Nurse B and Duster. We do tree work...and the motel people were on to us about having a pet in the motel. I didn't care. But when we went to work, we would bring him with us in the truck. I would put him on a leash for in the truck and tie him up out of the way when we got to the job site. I also had to pick up a worker in the truck on the way out. We get up to the job and this fucking stupid lady from the ghetto is being an idiot. It's not her house. She didn't pay a dime. This job was for her landlord. She didn't even have to be home. She is worried about her fucking grill that is falling apart. We moved it. You won't make it far in the tree biz if you have a habit of smashing stuff. So, I'm dealing with this complete bitch of a woman and my worker dude was getting all impatient in the truck. He jumps out and leaves the door wide open. My kitty disappeared and I never saw him again. I literally stopped that job and went on a week long hunt. We would spend the whole night there walking around shaking his food Tupperware thing. In the heart of the ghetto. Put flyers up EVERYWHERE. I was A MESS. Wandering the streets for miles and miles at all hours of the day and night. Offered a $250 cash reward. Had about 5 people call. Straight losers from the ghetto looking to make some quick cash. They would call and we would speed up there...or already be there. And they would say some shit like, he was here...but he's not now, would you like to buy this cat? He is only $250. How fucking convenient. Get the fuck outta here ya fuckin crackhead dummy. We became famous in this neighborhood....I don't think there was a house there who wasn't aware of the two white kids wandering around looking for their cat. One of the cooler guys up there who genuinely wanted to help us even warned us that people were talking about wanting to rob is and shit. They would of had a nasty surprise because I had a a Glock 9mm Parabellum under my belt and wasn't about to get walked on by some punk. A year later my hard drive failed and I lost my pictures of him. And then on Christmas day last week, my daughter showed me a pic on her phone of Duster. I had a tear roll down my cheek. It still gets me. It took me about 5 years before I finally broke down and got Felix the little black monster. I hate losing things that mean so much. Miss ya Duddy....I tried....SO hard.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
I'm so sorry to hear Duster's story, kitties can rip your heart out. Actually outside I have her and two others I call my own and one adult inside that we adopted. Last spring I had to have my kitty of 19 1/2yrs.put to sleep. She was with me for 12yrs of my first marriage then all the hard times that followed the divorce (bad,bad) until we found our new fantastic life. Needless to say my heart was ripped out and placed on the table next to her on that day. Then about 2wks later a mother cat and 3 kittens showed up in our yard, feral mom had kittens in our neighbors garage. Perfect timing for me and the wife, gave us life again. Fast forward, 1 kitten disappeared early, we caught and fixed Scruffy(pictured), her sister and another feral boy who knew a good gig when he saw it and adopted us. So we spoil the hell out of um with fine outdoor accommodations and attention. Indoor is a 7yr old girl we adopted, who looks like a cartoon kitty that we love lot's.
I'm so sorry to hear Duster's story, kitties can rip your heart out. Actually outside I have her and two others I call my own and one adult inside that we adopted. Last spring I had to have my kitty of 19 1/2yrs.put to sleep. She was with me for 12yrs of my first marriage then all the hard times that followed the divorce (bad,bad) until we found our new fantastic life. Needless to say my heart was ripped out and placed on the table next to her on that day. Then about 2wks later a mother cat and 3 kittens showed up in our yard, feral mom had kittens in our neighbors garage. Perfect timing for me and the wife, gave us life again. Fast forward, 1 kitten disappeared early, we caught and fixed Scruffy(pictured), her sister and another feral boy who knew a good gig when he saw it and adopted us. So we spoil the hell out of um with fine outdoor accommodations and attention. Indoor is a 7yr old girl we adopted, who looks like a cartoon kitty that we love lot's.
The one and only Nurse Bubbles' cool ass aunt just put her senior citizen down around Thanksgiving. His name was Mister Stripes, but all the girls (4 sisters and 3 cousins.... ALL cute dumplins age 18-28) and the lil kiddies called him Stripey. He was creeping on the double decade mark, at least 19.5 years old. She was a wreck. He was an inside/out guy, but he came home every night and slept in their bed. She was absolutely devastated, but unlike me, filled the sorrow with a new little guy who I just met a couple weeks ago. He's so, a little cuddly lump. My cat is a straight up asshole to most people besides us, but that's okay, because I am ½ of us, and he is like pussy in my hands....sometimes. There is NOTHING like raising kids, ya know...real humans that you created with your special parts, but hardcore pet ownership is a close second, lol. Be nice to your aminals and get em fixed like a good human. Being a tree climber and doing jobs in the rough side of the city has made me see just how many animals...especially dogs, and ESPECIALLY pitbulls aren't considered pets. These tight city lots create tall trees, and sometimes you can see a dozen properties at once. I've actually reported people about 5 times, even though I should have done it 20. It's just a waste of breath though as nothing ever happens. Thankfully it was never the house I was working at. It makes me sick seeing half a dozen pitbulls on 4' chains in one backyard. That's their whole life, on an 8' circle. Sleep, eat, live, poop, pee and die all in a fucking area the size of blanket. With zero grass, and THAT smell. And huge chains that are worthy of pulling cars out of ditches. Some people just flat out suck. The house where Duster disappeared on the sad tree job had a pitbull. It was 85° out and the poor thing had no water or food. Nurse B, the caregiver that she is, dipped into the magic lunch cooler and sacrificed half her badass turkey and ham lunch sammich for this pup. Also took out a bottled water and made a dish out of something she found in the yard. The "cool" ass thug life punk kid who owned the dog came home a minute later and actually started YELLING at the amazing Bubbles girl. Get this....not 10 mins after that, the Animal Control van pulls up out front. I told you this was a classy neighborhood with upstanding citizens. Anyway, it's not for him, it's for the neighbors!!! They all suck at owning animals. This guy thought we called on him and was getting all heated and crazy. We didn't. ALL we did was feed and water his starving and dehydrated dog....while my cat was GONE FOREVER. I really am almost positive someone stole him. POSITIVE. He fucking loved his food. Anyway, be good to your animals guys. Sorry to detail this thread for a day with kitties and puppies, but they are just so cute. Back to your regularly scheduled food porn:

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
I just had a basic breakfast this morning with the four food groups: espresso, fried egg, chicken breakfast sausage and a mandarin fruit.

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What's with all the food people's? Are those are real every time??? I always see your pics and there is a whole slew of freaking kids characters staring back at me. You make those every time? Trying to figure out if it's built into the I am making skirt steak fajitas tomorrow!! Made a creamy goodness marinade from chilli powder, cumin, fresh cilantro, lime zest, lime juice, black pepper, olive oil, cayenne pepper and garlic. Grabbed three 13oz Angus skirt steaks, poured the marinade over top. Forked the marinade in like a boss for 10 mins and it's sitting there till tomorrow evening.

We are re-doing all the dope gear from the ground up. New tents, 6" intake routed up from the basement to get some moist air, an Inkbird 15amp thermostat/humidistat controller that kicks on heating/vents/humidity for this dry season, an 8" exhaust through a carbon filter, both fans have controllers for fine tuning, new seedling heat mat, small sized starter tray with fresh plugs that's unused, brand new 4 stage RO, and a new shelf for keeping everything organized and easy. We are so close, maybe tomorrow for the finished grow spot.

So tomorrow we are gonna hopefully get that finished and gonna have a grill party with the a bag of flatty yellow sweet onions and 1 green, 1 yellow and 2 red peppers all destined for the fire along with the three skirties. It's gonna be magical. I'll post a pic or three for your viewing deliciousness.

THEY'RE called KAAAAHBS Joe's dad's stuff
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