Speaking of silly

...................... My electric stove tried to kill me last night!

No, the electric pilot light didn't go out, but it was just I about as dangerous!

I was gonna make a kind of a Cajun dish with sausage, field peas and rice.
The first step is to boil the sausages . These were really nice Sausages with pork, beef, venison and some jalapenos to spice it up.
So I put the sausages and water in a pan and put it on my back burner of the ceramic top stove. I put it on number six which should have given a nice good rolling boil when up to temp.
I go back to my bedroom to finish what I was doing while these sausages come up to temperature. My 7 minute alarm that I set with Alexa had not even gone off yet, when I looked up and saw that smoke was coming into the bedroom!
And it's already thick as hell, so I take a big deep breath before I leave the bedroom and make my way to the laundry room where my electrical panel is located. I quickly slapped the ovens' breaker off and opened the rear door. So at the back porch trying to catch my breath. The smoke is definitely way too thick to go back inside!
I always have my keys in my pocket so I went around the house and opened the other two doors and let that damn thing air out!
Once the house had finally aired out somewhat, I went to go check the damage. I had never seen of or heard of a stovetop getting so hot that it melted aluminum. Yep! It melted the bottom out of my little pot! And there was a nice shiny puddle of aluminum sitting on the top of the stove after I lifted off the pot.
I had never heard of anything happening quite like that! Looks like there would be some sorta fail safe that would cut the power when something like that Yup had occurs?
I know I'm not ever powering that damn oven up ever again! If I still have my old farm, I think I would have to pack it with some tannerite and shoot it with my deer rifle!
Luckily, I still have my old oven that I had bought my Mom. It's just gonna be a huge hassle of exchanging them for this old fart!
Now I'm going to be paranoid as hell for quite a while cooking!

Anyone ever hear of such crap?