I had an old timer tell me mix my feed wait 20 mins. I told him I dont have time for that. May have to find it. Ill look into the sulfur mix. Cant say I heard of anyone using it or seen it for sale. But also was not looking either.I would always recommend if mixing recharge, any mycos or supplements similar to recharge, after mixing smoke a bowl or two then give it a stir and then feed it, that's me, several companies recommend it.
I tested nutrients for Green life biotics for about 5 yrs and I was lucky to some private 21-27% sulfur/calcium mix and play in peat and Coco and in the peat it knocked it out of the park.
That said you can find some 17-21% available on the open market that is good also.
Yes with products like the sulfur I would mix in soil prior to planting, sulfur will help the long chain molasses or sugars break down really fast.
The 1/4 was for the bloom booster. I do 1/4 teaspoon per half gal of recharge. I dont cut that at all. With recharge at full power I shouldnt need molasses anymore? I have some and will continue to use it if needed.You want might want to try some Rootwise. They have the basic inoculate and they also have one for flower, it's called Rootwise Biophos. I alternate between that and Recharge. With the way you're using it I'd add a small dose of molasses like maybe a half to a quarter teaspoon per gallon. It'll help the microbes and it does have a lot of micronutrients. Especially good for late flower I think.
Looking lush and healthy!! Nice training! Looks nice and wide and flat, im sure you wil be generously rewarded for your efforts!
I was on gaba for while for nerve pain and it was a bitch to get off. Had me all restless and anxious. But if you do need something long term i would def recommend gaba over the opiate route. Its supposed to be better for long term and isnt quite as habit forming and nowhere near as dangerous in terms of overdose. Just my opinions from personal experience. I have all but replaced all pharmaceuticals with cannabis and enjoy my quality of life much more now.Hope youre doing well @PinkyNotTheBrain , hope your feet and knees feel better. Keeping yer footsies elevated when youre resting will help em rest and help circulation, reduce inflammation.Having my coffee n dabs late today cuz the nurse came by. She wants to put me back on the gabapentin for the pain in my feet and knees but i think imma try n lay off it for a while n hope it gets better
Trifecta is Rhizophagus Irregularis, the king of the Canna Rhizo. Next time around try Arbico Organics Root Build 240 as it contains among other beneficial Myco....Glomus Intraradices which actually is Rhizophagus Irregularis. It's better than Trifecta IMOIm in promix hp. I was going to start with 1/4 strength work my way up start second week of flower. And I got recharge for my myco. Was using trifecta and that shot is good stuff. But wanted to try recharge again. I remember having better plants when I was using recharge.