Well, the second of my el cheapo EC meters seems to be bust. Probably my fault. When I shook it off, the end cap came off in my hand, and you might have guessed it, it took a brief swim in ~1200EC nutes. Did I mention that the cap covering the electrics was still in my hand?
I gave it a thorough rinse, and dried it out, but alas, it is apparently stuffed. It reads nicely, but is 1.25X the real EC in solution, and calibration will not move it down. Ah well. That is it for me, the one in the mail shortly is the Apera equivalent of my Apera PH meter. Which, by the way, is still dead accurate (6.87 in 6.86 calibration solution) after over a year of use. It has never once required calibration, every time I checked, it was too close to bother changing. So, an Apera EC meter is on the way. I could buy several of the cheaper ones for the price, but I am done with the hassle. Odds are that the Apera will be good as long as I am still doing this stuff.
Happy metering peeps. May your meters keep metering forever and ever...