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The dungeon has been getting down to 62°F at night, and 72°F with the lights on, so I figured it was time to hook up the natural gas space heater. So far just the pilot light was enough to raise the temperature 5°.
I will def research some threads here, as i have no experience with the stuff, almost exclusively use liquid ferts. I will probably search the mega rop threads amd find the nicest grow in my opinion amd build a feed plan based off of that. I know alot of members run MC so i will probably have a bunch of questions once i start running it, which might be in a couple weeks.
This is the feed I follow more or less depending on how the plants look.I grow in peat so I don't use the the root stem or recharge.Sometimes use small amounts of silica in veg.Watch your pk it's really concentrated.I also feed with every watering.Good luck.
Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 10.42.00 AM.png
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