Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

The dinner party was wonderful!

The dinner party was private so not pics.

Breakfast this morning was two bean, chorizo and fried chicken burritos with some fresh fruit. The long black was two Brazils roasted to fullcity+. It was a bit bright this morning needing some more time to off-gas.


Spanish Catholic country......:headbang:..the Celebration day is the Day of the Dead.

They all go to the graveyards with massive bunches of flowers...there are queues and traffic jams at them all...then they go to church....

Then they fiesta..........:smoker:..with fireworks......

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Silly Americans we only get one holiday Spain gets 4!
Gonna have to change casing adapter out. New pump just a tad larger (1 1/8 or 1 1/4 instead of 1". A hell of a lot of tugging to try moving it up so I can slip a pipe wrench on the suction pipe for measurements. Got blocks and 4ft 2x4 in place to tie to it and use leverage. Will be trying that after my back eases up, if that doesn't work gotta wait on SiL to get home from his church stuff.
Well. He got home about 2 hrs ago, waited an hr so he could do what he needs to. Already tried popping it myself, so sent him a text about it. Over an hr no answer. Started thinking, found my spare bottljack, some blocks and got it up about a 1/4 inch. Damn seals are tight after nearly 15 years. Not sure both of us tugging would do it.
Well. He got home about 2 hrs ago, waited an hr so he could do what he needs to. Already tried popping it myself, so sent him a text about it. Over an hr no answer. Started thinking, found my spare bottljack, some blocks and got it up about a 1/4 inch. Damn seals are tight after nearly 15 years. Not sure both of us tugging would do it.
