I guess since we are all sharing, I didn't even try cannabis until I was 40. Very much raised on the idea of the "war on drugs" and that hippy pot smokers were the worst of the worst.
If that was the only thing you got wrong at that age, you were doing well. :)

I didn't try weed until university days. I found it ok, but quit after a couple years because I did not like the persistent bit of brain fog that it gave me at the time. Then about 7 or so years ago, I figured given my age, I'd best get used to brain fog, so I gave the process a hand by growing my own, with quite a bit of help from the crew on this forum.

Long live MJ! :pighug:
brain fog

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:dizzy: :biggrin: ppp
Finally starting to get moving. Rough day yesterday and last night. Up most the night bones in my back and legs burning.
Aunts car needed a new wheel brring so i was running around all day tryna find ways to make up the money cuz it had to come out of the money for the house bills. Managed to move a couple edibles, traded some for some bud too, then got 2 surveys set up for next week and i got a few dollars reimbursed from at&t that i can put towards the light bill.

I had a taco Bell gift card and got aunty n me some dinner to try n cheer her up. :doh: really struggling with her having to pay for everything. Had her cancel the guys doin the yard work so im tryna get myself up n out there right now to start cleaning up for the winter. Gonna try n get the lawn mowed but idk.
Sounds rough Pinky, good luck with getting the money thing sorted out at least for the moment. The stress of that is not helping you a bit.
Sp..spe...Speedos........?.........:yoinks:....... nope...nope.. nope......swim shorts 🩳 like the rest of us civilised Europeans....:crying:..
The dearest shut down my speedo days a long time ago. She has more mercy for strangers than I do, at least in that department. :crying:
I would say you need to turn your light up…. I’ve stopped using those charts….
And/or get more blue spectrum in the mix. I am still trying to dial down the blue to deal with my plants not getting quite leggy enough.

Also, unless you are actually using a par meter, the light intensity may not be what you think. The phone apps are poor unless calibrated for the specific light and phone involved in the estimate. :pighug: