Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

I woke up around 6 am this morning and every joint in my body ached, my arm was too sore to touch. I got up and made Ms. MOG's Latte and went back to bed until 10 am ate breakfast and went to sleep in my chair. until after 1 pm. I don't feel sore in my joints now but for sure I am wimpy from that Flu shot. I know it is working!

Left over grilled chicken, boned and made into a stew of sorts. Sauté some onion chili peppers and celery in some olive oil, add a can of Black beans (rinsed) a cup of instant Jasmine rice, some Maitake mushroom and some chicken stock.

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This mornings brunch :rofl:
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@KingRatt the most common fertilizing mistake new growers make is fertilizing out of balance. The most common nutrient that is fed out of balance is Calcium. I have watched hundreds if not thousands of grows denied their potential from misguided fertilization. Shit I am guilty myself. I have spent a lot of dedicated time learning about nutrients and how to use them. The best answer is don't use them to feed your plants at all, instead grow in TLS true living soil, feed the microbes and let them feed the plants. I have a bad back and cannot move heavy pots around in a tent so I grow hydroponic. Pumps do all of the heavy lifting. I must use salt based nutrients so I am learning how. Here is a Tutorial I wrote.

There is someone here 24/7/365. We may not know how to help but we try anyhow because you are part of OUR community.

Sometimes replacing a undesirable habit with another activity can be helpful, get out and do it with other people. Or just get online with us!

Is this some kind of government service?

Are you good enough to paint a window sash without masking? I am getting a little shaky now but I can still do it with a good sash brush.

That is very cool now the next logical step is to build one of these for the shower and sink "Alexa turn on127 degree water in the main shower"

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Thank you @Mañ'O'Green, i should know better. She seems to be on the mend now so🤞. Hope you are well. I will take this and learn from it. Would you recommend re-inoculation of bennies about halfway thru? Somebody told me it would be a good idea.
Thanks man. All the support really helps. When I wanna cave Ill just think about you all you guys and the support. Not alot of people know that I been on this shit so Ill take all the support I can get.
Lavender Epsom salt baths, little pro tip for the aches and pains. I was a hard addict for 12 years.