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It’s not my plant but that is a tray2grow by autopots
Thats why cuz that tray holds a miniature sized grassroots soil bed! Much more than 15gal if not mistaken! :d5:
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@Sawney_bean s BlueMoon on the left and Deadite on the right🤩day58
I gave up shaving in 1985 because it would've involved sharing the same disposable BIC shaver with the whole cell block, and the other cell blocks on the floor.
I keep a buzzer to clean up my neck havent had a haircut in yrs and i dont shave bcuz when i do i look like im 15yrs old lol. Im 40 haha
how much ya using of those?

Edit: Ratio id the word I was trying to retrieve in the haze.... :rofl:
20 gallons of recycle living soil add 6-10 cups of Azo, 12-16 cups of BioC, and 8-12 cup Worm Castings. Then I inoculate with azospirillum brasilense, and Arbico Organics Root Build 240...then let it warm up for a few days.

Pretty good variety of recipes in the Willie Nelson cookbook. Gives dosages for everything and says all recipes were made with 22% MAC for the flower


Here's one for @Cerebral Goo
If you are ever in San Diego you gotta go to TNT Pizza!!! Its the best pizza in town for sure! I might be a little biased because my friend owns the place, or because i live next door. But seriously, these guys love what they do, and the pie is always on point!
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