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I feel fine. Kid was sick last week. I haven't had it yet. This is her 3rd or 4th time with it :pass:
Does she smoke ganjacitos? My parents have both had it twice but i have yet to get it (knock on wood) so i credit my massive weed intake as to why i have yet to get it! If covid comes near me it gets such a contact high that it forgets what it was doing and just dies! :shrug::eyebrows::crying::lildab:
Your pot is much bigger than 3 gal tho! Pretty sure for water only build a soil says u need a minimum of 15gal pot and his pot being 1/5th the size unless he grows a midget runt he will need to feed it! :thumbsup:

OK, good to know thanks man
Afternoon @Azton :bighug: ... typical #stoner :pighug:...late to the Party.....

It has been going on for weeks in Europe... definitely the UK and German airbases reported worrying drone patterns before they kicked off in the US.

In Europe because it is over US/EU airbases it is being blamed on the US they have their own theories......:pass:...
In Ukraine they figured out how to shoot down Russian drones with a shotgun duct taped to an off-the-shelf FPV drone (FPV = first person view).
The male population here don't fix their hair. It is seen as unmanly to dye your hair here too, so we all rock our grays 🤷 Same with beards. Generally we are once-a-week shavers or have beards.
I gave up shaving in 1985 because it would've involved sharing the same disposable BIC shaver with the whole cell block, and the other cell blocks on the floor.
Biochar, Azomite, and Worm Castings...almost ready for the next Mephisto Genetics Tester run...
Afternoon Kittens 😸 and Frank
Sitting here getting my shit together ready to watch some football. Late start this morning as I was up and down all night. Coffee with DiL discussing things about her mom, plans about the future etc.
Hope everyone's day is going well.
Does she smoke ganjacitos? My parents have both had it twice but i have yet to get it (knock on wood) so i credit my massive weed intake as to why i have yet to get it! If covid comes near me it gets such a contact high that it forgets what it was doing and just dies! :shrug::eyebrows::crying::lildab:
She smokes everyday. Not a lot, maybe half a gram a day :pass:
Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.

Just coasting today.......... The front yard cleaned up well the other day and the blood oranges need some cold weather to sweeten up. so no work outdoors. I guess I'll jus have to hit another dab :lildab:.

Dinner last night was breakfast bacon, egg, cheese on a fresh GFSD English Muffin, it was the bomb.

I tried these as a snack from Walmart, Great idea, waste of money. Spongy white mystery meat. My homemade with dark meat and skin are just a world of flavor apart. There is no reason they could not use my recipe commercially.

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