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You don't have an app for that there? I use jackpocket :pass:
Also don’t need to make my access to tickets more convenient so i stick with my current plan of only buying tickets when $1+ billion! Once it gets that high usually doesn’t last long tho!
Keto is awesome. I can't remember last time I was hungry and I went to a regular people store and bought a pair of regular people jeans for the first time ever yesterday.

Keto is also easy to maintain when I'm high once I had gotten all the Doritos out of the house.

Exercise is awesome on weed. I wouldn't have thought so 25 years ago. But every time I use weed for whatever it always strikes me what an EXTREMELY powerful adaptogen it is. It all depends on what I have set my mind on doing, it just does it all mentally for me.
Someone gave me four 100ug blotters for Christmas. Total surprise. He knows I use shrooms.

From '73 I was dropping 'cid every few months until I stopped in the mid 80's. (except for a micro dosing experiment)

I'm not sure I want a full blown trip.
Maybe I'll do half this weekend and see where it takes me.
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