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Hitting a deer pretty much comes with the drivers license around here. I've hit a couple. It's like a rite of passage. I might not know anybody who hasn't hit one :crying:
They can total a car if hit at speed.

We also have moose, which also total cars, as well as regularly kiilling the drivers and front seat passengers. Moose are a lot higher off the ground, and often come though the windshield of small vehicles.
And then there are the bears, which also total cars, but don't often kill the driver while doing it. Life in the north eh? :bighug:
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You can say that about anything in the air. Birds, planes, footballs, frisbees…

uh, right....but....a frizbee fallin outa the sky is jus a weeeee bit diff than an SUV fallin outa the fuckin sky :rofl: :whew: jus sayin....:coffee: ppp
Its not messy?
Mine wasn't, just used the side of a large candle, rubbed it lightly over about 2 foot,, worked the zipper back and forth a few times to get it in there. Moved on to the next couple feet. Granted I don't really need it as I keep the tent face open all the time.

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