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2nd cup of freedom.
For any of you feeling sad about my situation right now, it's just me standing up for myself and putting me first. 20 years of truck driving I've lived mostly in the truck, lot less space than my bedroom, no internet, no satellite TV etc. Very easy to slip back into that mode and I'm comfortable with it. Hopefully it'll all be over in a couple months and I can live normal. :yay:
For any of you feeling sad about my situation right now, it's just me standing up for myself and putting me first. 20 years of truck driving I've lived mostly in the truck, lot less space than my bedroom, no internet, no satellite TV etc. Very easy to slip back into that mode and I'm comfortable with it. Hopefully it'll all be over in a couple months and I can live normal. :yay:
Ya but it sucks having to tip toe. Just cuz u can doesn't mean you should have to bud. I definitely commend you for doin it the way that keeps the peace. Patience ain't easy. Like u said, ducks n water n whatnot:pighug:
I don't even have proper like US style mason jars. Just a collection of glass jars I have collected over the years. I mostly use silicone soft lids.

I used to cure in a 10L mayonnaise bucket and I could never tell anything wrong with that setup but around that time I started reading about micro plastics and stuff. It was handy just having one big bucket to burp though.
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