I have a Dulytek pollen press. Tek or no, that's the name. Just google Dulytek pollen press and click on shopping. Other brands will pop up too. The only thing I don't like is that it doesn't come with a spacer to push the pucks out completely. I just use a socket, but a spacer could be easily found or made. Just use a large C clamp and leave it in for a few hours. I usually come back and retighten it and leave for a little while longer. Heat with hair dryer and pop the puck out. Simple and easy.Had two of them for 2+ years and no rust or deformation. Looks like they are 35-50
The reason Y2K was a non-event was because there was an army of us IT workers all around the world that started updating and even replacing the BIOS chips on millions of Bank and government servers in 1998. I made $62K in 1998 and $75K in 1999. I was unemployed in 2000
Ice fishing a popular thing where you are? Talked to a buddy in Minnesota today and he was talking about it, but not cold enough/enough ice yet.
I went out with him and a couple of other buddies once. The buzz we caught was a lot bigger than the fish!
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