Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Imagine doing it at Walmart in broad daylight! ;) :pighug::crying:
I wish they would put a street light out by the tap to the spring but nope. I gotta get some bigger jugs but watercooler jugs are expensive af. 28-35 on amazon but like 8-12 with water but then the shipping is expensive
I wish they would put a street light out by the tap to the spring but nope. I gotta get some bigger jugs but watercooler jugs are expensive af. 28-35 on amazon but like 8-12 with water but then the shipping is expensive
If walmart has one of the refill stations they should also sell 3 and 5 gal jugs prefilled that u can refill!
@Frankthetank u been doing any mushrooms lately? I can get plain mushrooms or chocolate bar ones here if u need a hookup on this side of the country! :yeah::d5:
Haha I haven’t done any mushies since before I left :weed: Although I did get high on some biscuits yesterday :rofl::rofl:
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