Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I almost like your term “unsane” better, after thinking about it :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::pass:
Good Morning my friend, how are you doing? :d5:

Good morning Frank. To be honest - not so good, got some cravings for the medicine my doctor have subscribed to me. So been going without it today and the anxiety starts to kick in now, and it’s only gonna get “better” until I get my paws on them again.
I really don’t want to turn myself to the black market, but I will if it doesn’t get sorted during the day or latest tomorrow morning.

I will do my best to just relax and not stress my self up, I’ll try to be calm and to eat food to keep my mind straight.

Popped some other prescribed pills that I have on recipe but they do not give the same effect, figured I go eat and sleep away the feeling.

When I see your name I connect it to a movie that I really good. Can’t remember the name but it’s a cup/jar involved. Denzel is the head-character and I believe New York and Vietnam are the connections for the “success-story”.

How are you?
I always wonder if it's seeds shipped during the heat of the summer that messes with germination rates :shrug:

Must admit I've seen a few Theories about it in the years @JP1 ....but never found a really satisfactory explanation....


Also a subect oft discussed in the Staffroom.......when we wanna fight......:biggrin:...coz it divides opinion.....

What Germination rate is acceptable.....?....coz most other seed does not have a 100% germ rate....

I certainly bought Chilli seed and the #1 sentence on the instructions said.....not all of these seeds will germinate....
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